It maybe consipated and if that is the case, give it peas. Is it pregnant? He is behaving like the others. My neon tetra is swimming with his head up and spinning around. Similarly, it is quite hard to differentiate between female neon tetras as sick or pregnant. Is it normal looking? What should I do to help it? A friend who says they have some knowledge of fish said it was either pregnant or constipated. The tank is a 10 gallon tank, water quality is fine, and I've had this tank for 3 months now. Het is familie van de Characidae (karperzalmen) en de tetragonopterinae.Ze komen oorspronkelijk uit Zuid-Amerika (Venezuela, Colombia en Brazilië).. Uiterlijk. Neon tetras are easy to breed, but the conditions have to be just right. Natuurlijk is het belangrijk dat je ouders helpen bij de verzorging. He does not seem to eat a lot, it is my guppies who are greedy and try to eat the most. How many occupants? Hij behoort tot de onderfamilie Tetragonopterinae uit de familie Characidae (karperzalmen). Yet. Member. Look for any kinds of discoloration in their body as they might have caught the neon tetra disease. Are there any scales sticking out when you look down over the top of the body? Have you seen this fish poo? The fish picture is rreally hard to see... is the fish quite engorged looking? I have 8 neons in a 20 litre tank. De kardinaaltetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) is een tropische vis die ook als aquariumvis gehouden wordt. I notice recently that one is very fat or bloated. My neon tetra got fat and its belly moves?! i plan on taki Really Fat Neon Tetra - Fishpondinfo I thought that she might be getting ready to lay eggs, but she would have laid them by now I would think. you read and agreed to the. There are two more of them, as well as an algae eater and three guppies. I fed 2 mashed peas to them yesterday afternoon after reading a few other questions on here. Why is my neon tetra so fat? Is it evan female? does this mean it has NTD? Your "fat" Neon Tetra may be the only female of the bunch. I have a tank of neon tetras. I tried to get a better photo this morning. Ok so today I just noticed one of my neon tetras looking strange. The others are bigger and leaner. Home / Sale / Tops / Short Sleeves / NEON TETRA. I thought maybe I was just overfeeding but I've switched to feeding only once every other day to see if that helps, but I've seen no change. De pH-waarde (zuurgraad) van het water mag niet te hoog zijn, tussen zes en zeven is het beste. While feeding my fish today, I noticed that a few of my Neon Tetras look rather plump - I tried to take a picture but they move so fast that they come out as a blur Are they pregnant? Are the scales Pinconey looking? Sponsors. My neon tetra has a single large white spot on his tail, HELP! Ive attache... Cory Cat very fat, full of eggs, or bloated? Have you been having any water quality issues recently? Samen met de kardinaal tetra is de neon tetra heel populair. Als je een groot genoeg aquarium hebt, kun … Thanks for your help! Is the neon pregnant, overfed, or something else? Click on a picture below to shop and learn more about that species of Small Tetra. Je kunt een aquarium van 30 bij 20 bij 20 cm gebruiken om je tetra's te kweken. . It is still active but it is getting bigger and bigger. Is it pregnant? Neon Tetras: A Big Introduction to a Famous, Widely Known Tetra, Help! Neon tetras are small tropical freshwater fish native to South America around the Amazon River basin. My neon tetra got fat and its belly moves?! I have moved it to a keep net within the main tank and fed it bloodworms to cure the constipation (so i am told). Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Neon Tetra is the right … Fat Tetra shaped like a Chinese soup spoon.filmed on my phone at feeding time. Is dit een huisdier voor jou? Het grootste verschil is de rode streep die onderaan de buik loopt; deze loopt … Er s niets mooier om naar te kijken dan een actieve school neon tetra’s in uw aquarium. Je zult dit aquarium gebruiken om een mannelijke en vrouwelijke tetra te introduceren om te paren, en ook als plaats om de eitjes en … Before you start breeding neon tetras, you will need to set up a specific breeding tank, prepare the water, and control the night and day cycle. Het grootste verschil is de rode … I have a tank of fish and I have got one of those black goldfish with the puffy eyes (Who is nice and when I thought their were eggs before (not any neon tetras yet) and he kept spitting it out), another fish (unknown), 2 zebra fish which are VERY MEAN, and we just got 4 Neon Tetras. Neon Tetra Tropical Fish Learn all about the Neon Tetra's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Now she just looks abnormal. This … Goeievraag is het grootste vraag en antwoord platform van Nederland. We have 6 total the one that I am concerned about is the smallest and stays out of the school a lot. Kardinaaltetra's lijken erg veel op Neontetra's. Neons do not get pregnant they are egg layers. Hi, is it strange that my new neon tetras are all swimming / hovering in th... Can i mix neon tetra, tiger barbs, rosy barbs, and possibly guppies togethe... How do you tell if your neon glo fish are pregnant? Why is my neon tetra so fat? Fat lethargic neon Tetra; Search. Here are Neon Tetras , Cardinal Tetras, Glowlights and other very popular small Tetra Fish that can grow to be about 1" long and sometimes a little longer. Je zult meer dan één aquarium nodig hebben om tetra's te kweken, dus koop er nog een als je nog geen extra aquarium hebt. NEON TETRA. Advanced search. Let wel op, het is een groepsdier en ze voelen zich enkel opperbest als je ze in een groep houdt. about three weeks ago one of my neon tetras suddenly ballooned in size. Unfortunately these are the best images I could get, of this strange looking body. One of the neon tetras is normal another is ever so slightly fat. Funny Fat neon tetras! Hij komt oorspronkelijk uit Zuid-Amerika (Venezuela, Colombia en Brazilië).. Kenmerken. Well, it’s been a Long Ti... by blackghost [January 27, 2021, 10:16:52 pm] Lily Pipes / Outputs by blackghost [January 26, 2021, 05:29:54 pm] Zebra danio, pregnant or ... by blackghost [January 10, 2021, 11:11:08 am] De neon-tetra is een niet zo moeilijk te houden visje. It may be carrying eggs but, neon tetras need specific conditions to breed and the male fish itself is usually chasing the female when it's time to breed. Is it evan female? How long has your tank been established? Ja, maar je moet wel zorgen dat je weet hoe je neontetra’s moet houden en verzorgen. Help! Id say feed a bit less. The male neon is a lot "skinnier" than the female. The neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is a freshwater fish of the characin family (family Characidae) of order Characiformes.The type species of its genus, it is native to blackwater and clearwater streams in the Amazon basin of South America. Het visje spreekt veel beginners aan dankzij hun bijzondere felle neon kleuren. If the Neon is so big its about to pop, just because it has eggs in it, then thats wierd. I have 6 neons in my tank, and they're always cool to watch. One of my neons has a pretty distended belly. By entering this site you declare Neontetra. Feb 24, 2009. Ik heb 3 tetra's en ze leven al 3 jaar dus vroeg ik me af hoe oud ze worden. Neon Tetra with fat belly. I know they lay eggs - so are they sexually maturing and getting ready to … I am a first time fish owner and purchased neon tetra's about 2 months ago. Tank parameters are normal (nitrite, ammonia 0, nitrate 15 - … It seems bloated and some scales are sticking out. Was discovered in 1934 by French traveler August Rabaut during his expedition around the Amazon jungles. The fish is characterized by an iridescent blue horizontal stripe along each side of the fish from its nose to the base of the adipose fin, and an iridescent red stripe that begins at the middle of the body and extends posteriorly to the base of the caudal fin. Recent Topics. iv just discovered that one of my neon tetras has become very fat however it is equal on both sides. I have a couple of tetras with fat bellies. My tank is cycling My neon tetra has a single large white spot on his tail, HELP! Neon Tetra. If you notice your male neon tetra getting fat, probably your neon tetra is sick. Fat Raphael catfish... Is it bloated or just full after a meal? Male Black Skirt Tetra with Bloated Belly - Constipation or sick. I tried to take a picture of them. Its bright colouring makes the fish visible to conspecifics in the dark blackwater streams, and is also the main reason for its … Hi. They're great for first-time fish parents, but they can't care for themselves in captivity. Richt een kweekaquarium in. Neon Tetras: A Big Introduction to a Famous, Widely Known Tetra. The neon tetra has a light-blue back over a silver-white abdomen. De watertemperatuur moet rond 24 graden Celsius liggen. Neontetra’s hebben vrij zacht water nodig tot ongeveer acht DH. The fish is characterized by an iridescent blue horizontal stripe along each side of the fish from its nose to the base of the adipose fin, and an iridescent red stripe that begins at the middle of the body and extends posteriorly to the base of the caudal fin. I haven't seen his fish poo. Neon tetra kopen, dit is een van de meest populaire vissen die gehouden wordt in aquaria. The neon tetra has a light-blue back over a silver-white abdomen. NEON TETRA. After doing a fish check in my tank yesterday i noticed 1 of my neons is really fat. Het is een zeer actieve vis die in een school gehouden moet worden met minimaal 10 stuks. Angelwhispers. What size is it? By entering this site you declare He enjoyed the sparkling Tetra can become egg bound. Remember, Neons are egg layers, not livebearers (like swordtails or platies, which do get fat before birth). Is it behaving like all the others? De neontetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is een tropische vis die ook als aquariumvis gehouden wordt. My first guess was that the neon was pregnant but now I'm not sure. Om neontetra’s te houden heeft u een aquarium nodig van tenminste 60 centimeter lang, liefst langer. I guess the scales look pine coney but that may also be them sticking out around the belly. He looks to me in the photos to be misshapen a bit... but that could be just picture distortion? Neontetra's lijken erg veel op kardinaaltetra's. My neon tetra is swimming with his head up and spinning around. One of them (a female) has gotten really fat. you read and agreed to the. He looks normal, no signs of what you have mentioned. any advice to what it …