Thanks in advance. Clomiphene citrate was administered in 2 different modes. In many cases, early … This disease can come as shock to many, however, you may have ignored the warnings given to … I have had no luck with HCG at varying doses and frequency but still … No AI was prescribed and he would rather not use any if control can be maintained without. On a side note, it seems that even low dose test can lead to sides like testicular atrophy. Injection just once per week. Thus, he also prescribed 50mg per day of Clomid. 1 doctor answer Dr. Robert Killian answered Is testicular atrophy reversible? is there anyway i can reverse what ... no progress so he has me taking clomid one day and 100iu of hcg ... testicular atrophy . Thanks for the opportunity to ask this: I'm a 52-year old male, HIV positive for 26 years, AIDS for 16 years. hcg and clomid (clomiphene) was suggested as many body builders have restored size and function with both. The use of steroids is the most commonly known and talked about, but there are other causes of testicular atrophy that can happen for unintentional reasons including age-related, trauma and even natural instances for the testicles to become smaller.These can be treated and even reverse the damage done. The problem with longterm hcg or clomid is downregulatiob. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. Non-profit in a … If the testes are desensitized making any Clomid treatment ineffective, are there any alternatives to HCG for preventing atrophy and preserving testicular function? Certain congenital defects, illnesses or injuries can damage tissues in the testicle and limit its ability to produce testosterone. "Clomid essential for maintaining testicular function during and post cycle. please help!! Testicular atrophy which is caused by several diseases (which would be discussed later in the article) like varicocele, testicular torsion, Orchitis, and so on can result in male infertility. level 1. I was concerned with testicular shrinkage…just due to cosmetic reasons since there are no plans to have additional children. Using Clomid can lower the dose of external testosterone needed to alleviate symptoms and / or protect fertility during TRT treatment. As I matter of fact, what I wanted to know is that if Clomid, Nolva may play the same role as HCG to revert testicular atrophy related to test administration? ... Hcg injections can be used to treat nontreatable secondary hypogonadism, clomid can also be used to restart the hpta and thats why its used with roid cycles. I think it is pointless to use nolvadex and clomid to regain testicular function during a cycle or TRT for that matter, these work better to fire up the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. Sep 11, 2006 #5 G. guijr Junior Member. It is most commonly treated by testosterone supplementation therapy but in younger patients this can lead to testicular atrophy with subsequent exogenous testosterone dependency and may impair spermatogenesis. Other Causes of Testicular Atrophy. I receive my care from. While the conditions that can cause testicular atrophy are usually easy to treat, testicular atrophy itself isn’t always reversible. This treatment can be associated with skin irritation, gynecomastia, nipple tenderness, testicular atrophy, and decline in sperm counts. My doctor started me with 100mg/week of Test-cyp. 3. reverse testicular atrophy after epididymitis? Clomid is less effective as a treatment for low T in cases of testicular failure.