If I'm being honest, endgame strategy beyond the basic checkmates (including, avoiding back rank mate) probably isn't in the top 10 most important things for beginners to work on. Print Post. As you become a better chess player you will realize more … You need to initiate your few pieces in the right battle position in the early stage. Rather, they assume that with fewer pieces on the board there is less to think about, and they play as such... BIG MISTAKE. How a Beginner plays Chess 1. It is the decisive point of the opposition between two fighting minds and consequently, one must be prepared before reaching it. Following his highly acclaimed Mastering Chess Strategy and Mastering Opening Strategy, this book completes a trilogy of strategy books by Grandmaster and renowned chess teacher Johan Hellsten. I included both "famous-German-Chess" words here because, well, I can -- but really, Zugzwang is the "beast of the endgame". It's been around for centuries as a game for intellectuals and scholars; however, anyone can play! looking for every opportunity to trade piece, Practice these Checkmates vs the Computer, Principle of Two Weaknesses Video Series), Principle of Two Weaknesses by Alexander Ipatov. Sometimes there are only Kings and pawns left. Unless you are simply lost and only postponing things to avoid going home, or totally winning and enjoying the torture of your helpless opponent -- then you are by definition involved in a relatively equal ending that requires, here it comes, your complete focus and hard work! Endgame Strategy for Beginners Reply #1 - 02/28/19 at 03:01:21 Post Tools. Basically, most players drastically (to the point of "tragic comedy") misplay endings because they never take 5 minutes to stop, make some mental notes about all the long term weaknesses and strengths of their position, before they start making moves. Stop and make a commitment to a plan or long term goal, and watch all of your calculations get better! In the series are included courses in tactics, strategy, openings, middle game, and endgame, split by levels from beginners to experienced players, and even professional players. A common problem with chess players is that they can create effective strategies for the opening and the middle of the game but cannot do the same for the end. This is one of my favorite "concepts" or "mind-sets" to teach beginners, as I believe it can change their entire approach to the game when they "get it". Different from material count, piece activity is more of an abstract concept. Chess For Beginners: Know The Rules, Choose Your Strategy, And Start Winning is a perfect example of a book aimed at shepherding total chess neophytes into the realm of intermediate play. See more ideas about chess endgame, chess, chess game. The endgame is arguably the most important phase of every chess game. Whether it be a basic Endgame simply begging for one side to march their pawn up the board and promote, or even a more complex position with plenty to think about besides the pawns -- you must push your passed pawns! Though it's complex, try to anticipate how the King might "find his way" to help the Rook on h8 promote the h7-pawn: And a simpler example from a video of GM Bojkov's that I liked is: And I would guess there may be ten quadrillion similar examples. Study the different styles of endgame pieces to checkmate the opponent king. If you think one of your best weakest points is in the Endgame Battle? We will cover everything from the Opposition, Shouldering, and Mined Squares to Reserve Tempi, and … Here are another example: This rule is more of a concept or idea that has become a staple part of every good coach's "endgame teaching repertoire". Everything You Need to Know About Chess: The Endgame! Make sense? The fast way to checkmate your opponent is to move your pawn in the 8 ranks position and exchange your passed pawn into the new Queen. Tactical shots, sacrifices, and mating attacks are usually the most appealing to those who are just starting in chess. So follow along for along for latest updates about endgames tips and tricks! If you are so passionate to master the tactical endgame position. Dozens, if not hundreds, of King and Pawn Endings rely on Zugzwang to be successful, several critical Rook Endings, and countless other positions. The endgame study, like the chess problem, eliminates over-the-board competition to concentrate on an invented endgame position carefully plotted to fox, bewilder, challenge, and otherwise stimulate the solver. To get a passed pawn is vital (a passed pawn has no opposing pawns on neighbour files to stop him), as it has the desire … Playing Chess is the way to improve your Critical Thinking, Copyright © 2021 Chess Portal Guide — Scribbles WordPress theme by. Here is a great example from a game of my own. In the endgame the pawns become important, as you have to bring a pawn to the eighth rank to promote it into a queen.