CSJ Initiatives reflects the Congregation of St. Joseph's commitment to respond to the emerging needs of religious congregations, our neighbors and the world by providing vibrant senior care and living services. The Well broadened its mission to include programs in Sacred Universe theology. St. Joseph Retreat Center, is a ministry of the Congregation of St. Joseph, Wheeling Center, located in Wheeling, WV. People, animals, plants and Earth can no longer be seen as objects for our use. The Universe Story unifies us. Our Ministries Education Social Services Spirituality Centers Senior Care/CSJ Initiatives Ministry of the Arts CSJ Ministries, Inc. ... Congregation of St. Joseph. It also offers the experience, space and time for a young woman to discern her next step. This new awareness has the capacity to change how we have come to understand what Thomas Berry calls the three great relationships: Human-Divine, Human-Human, Human-Earth. The entire universe is a web of inter-relatedness. Parkersburg, WV, Sisters of St. Joseph Dear Neighbor Ministries The Spirit is the center, source and direction within all that is. It is the time of a great turning. St. Joseph Retreat Center 137 Mount St. Joseph Rd. New ways of understanding God, relating to one another, and living in mutually enhancing ways are on the rise. Phone: 304-232-8160 ext 112 E-mail: saintjosephretreatcenter137@gmail.com. The Well, a member of the Congregation of St. Joseph Mission Network, began in March 2000 through the initiative of Marlene Schemmel, CSJ, and Judy Maher. LaGrange Park, IL. Priest and Cultural Historian, Thomas Berry and Mathematical Cosmologist, Brian Swimme, authors of The Universe Story, tell us that in this one story every people, religion, culture and being finds its place and purpose. CSJ Ministries is the umbrella organization through which the Congregation of St. Joseph exercises its role and responsibilities with various ministries. The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) is a missionary religious congregation in the Catholic Church.It was founded on January 25, 1816, by Saint Eugène de Mazenod, a French priest born in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France on August 1, 1782. Cleveland, OH, St. Joseph Adoption Ministry What was initially named The Women’s Well offered its first program in May 2000. Respecting the Sanctity of All Life: Reaffirming Our Opposition to the Death Penalty. To participate in an evolutionary universe, one must be willing to stand on the edge of the “new that is [always] arriving out of the silence” (Rilke) – ears attentive, spirit alert, sleeves rolled up. The CORE volunteer program provides opportunities for young women, ages 20-35, to engage with Sisters of St. Joseph and CSJ associates, and to share in their mission and ministry. It helps me to meet people where they are at and accompany those in most need. We work for unity and reconciliation where there is brokenness, helping people become whole and holy, individually and together. All Rights Reserved. CSJ Ministries provides support, leadership, guidance and oversight in areas related to mission, governance and operations. Wheeling, WV 26003. For the first time in history scientists and mystics are telling us the same thing, “We are all One”. Associate Staff: Sr. Kathleen Durkin, CSJ The Sacred Universe Story is the scientific story of our 13.7 billion year unfolding told with its spiritual music. Mission. Medaille sought to establish an ecclesiastically approved congregation of women who would profess simple vows, live in a small group, with no specific apostolates and would dress in a common garb of the women of their day. St. Joseph Retreat Center reserves the right to cancel a program if necessary. If you want to go far, go together”– African Proverb. Reaffirming Our Opposition to the Death Penalty . The author, Claude-Joseph Lacour, C.M. Congregation of Alexian Brothers Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother In 2010, our sponsors recognized Ascension Health as a ministry of the Catholic Church transcending individual sponsoring organizations and determined a non-congregational sponsorship model would strengthen our ministry. She is also a retreat facilitator and co-founder of The Well Spirituality Center. Wheeling, WV, Sisters Health Foundation Wheeling, WV, Tutoring English to Advance Change (TEACH) (Formerly School and Tutors on Wheels) At 44 years old, she’s the youngest member of her congregation’s leadership team, serves as vocation director, writes guest blog posts, and hosts her own personal blog (At the Corner of Susan and St. Joseph). Also known as the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph (CSJ), we are a Catholic community with over 500 women who are sisters, associates, agregees and partners in mission sharing in Christ’s unifying love. Follow us to learn about the social justice issues we work towards, organizations that are doing good work we support, and action steps you can take in your everyday life! Welcome to the website of St. Joseph’s Missionary Society of Mill Hill We are an international fellowship of Catholic missionaries dedicated to announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ to people throughout the world. We’re excited to launch this new page to share more with you about our commitment to social justice. Mission Network. The Well, a member of the Congregation of St. Joseph Mission Network, began in March 2000 through the initiative of Marlene Schemmel, CSJ, and Judy Maher. At Villa St. Joseph Ecology & Spirituality Centre, we are passionate about Ecology and care of our Earth. Kansas City, KS, St. Joseph Health Initiative This is who we are and what we do. The Josephite Mission. This work is the earliest known history of the Congregation of the Mission and dates from about 1730. Washington, D.C. Holy Family Childcare & Development Center It is a mutual, dynamic partnership between the ministry and the congregation of St. Joseph committed to making manifest God's active, … Mission Network. Programming invited participants to recognize and affirm our communion with God and all creation. The congregation was given recognition by Pope Leo XII on February 17, 1826. We invite you to participate in our many wonderful offerings because we trust that we can go farther together. Congregation of the Mission is a vowed, Roman Catholic society of apostolic life of priests and brothers founded by Vincent de Paul. The purpose of the Congregation of St. Joseph Mission Network is to extend the mission and tradition of the Sisters of St. Joseph through the mission and works of its members. Values. This time invites contemplation, self-reflection, and empowered engagement in social and ecological justice. The Well invites people into the unfolding and ongoing story of creation and the role of the human in it. Will you join us? Wheeling, WV, Ministry Against the Death Penalty We’re creating a future for one and all. The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a religious community of nearly 500 vowed Catholic women and over 500 lay associates who live and minister in the U.S. and around the world. Congregation of St. Joseph Leaders Sister Rita Ann Teichman, CSJ, serves on the Board of Directors at Catholic Mobilizing Network as liaison to the congregation of St. Joseph. The Well Spirituality Center – LaGrange Park, Illinois. And inspires and leads all to recognize our inherent oneness. We’re excited to launch this new page to share more with you about our commitment to social justice. The concluding document from the 2014 Chapter conducted in Nairobi, Kenya, called Brothers to welcome as companions all those inspired by the Charism of Edmund. Who we are and how we minister are grounded in the Gospel, prayer, and our community. With the continued and increased use of the death penalty, we the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet are impelled to boldly oppose the use of the death penalty and end “the cycle of violence perpetuated by the death penalty.” Our Gospel mandate as Sisters of St. Joseph is to unite neighbor to neighbor and neighbor to God. (1672-1731), drew from already published materials and his own recollections. Relationship is foundational. The Well offers a safe environment where all are welcome and all are free to ask our questions and find our way into the future that together we are creating. Our programs are based in the concept of Integral Ecology as expressed by Pope Francis, in which we hold “ all things to be closely interrelated, and today’s problems call for a vision capable of taking into account every aspect of the global crisis .” (LS, # 137). We the Congregation of St. Joseph, promise to network with others across the world to bring about a shift in the global culture from institutionalized power and privilege to a culture of inclusivity and mutuality. We are all one. They are popularly known as Vincentians, Paules, Lazarites, Lazarists, or Lazarians. We Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet are committed to respond to the urgent needs of our world. Copyright 2019 The Well Spirituality Center. Her efforts were resumed by Bridget Sperduto in 2009. The Well Spirituality Center is a member of the Congregation of St. Joseph Mission Network. read more SJW19 We share the same chemical compositions and similar genetic makeup with all of life. “As I continue to ‘live into’ what I learn at The Well, I grow in my self-understanding, in my embrace of a different world-view and in responding at this crucial time.” – Pauline. Please make checks payable to Congregation of St. Joseph, and mail to: St. Joseph Retreat Center 137 Mount St. Joseph Road Wheeling, WV 26003. LaGrange Park, IL, The Well Spirituality Center It is associated with the Vincentian Family, a loose federation of organizations who claim Vincent de Paul as their founder or Patron. Our Ministries Education Social Services Spirituality Centers ... Congregation of St. Joseph. Coming from a rich history of relationship with the Congregation of St. Joseph and a deep commitment to extending the mission of unity among the dear neighbor, the following ministries are the founding members of the Congregation of St. Joseph Mission Network: ABLE Families. Through a Mission Network, the congregation works with and supports a diverse array of ministries. Executive Director: Anna Marie Troiani. Please take a few moments to explore our website. St. Joseph Retreat Center – Wheeling, West Virginia . in the spirit of st vincent de paul, the congregation of the mission advocates on behalf of the poorest and most vulnerable putting forward their rights to live in the same justice, peace, freedom, and security, as the elites of our society. “If you want to go quickly go alone. Congratulations to Beth Collins, the new Executive Director of the Sisters of St. Joseph Health and Wellness Foundation, a part of our Mission Network, who was commissioned last week at a ceremony at our founding community of Wheeling. The Congregation Chapters of the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers gather insights, prayers, and inspirations of Brothers throughout the globe and articulate a plan of action for the next six years. St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rough, La. We are all ONE with the Source of Life and with each other. What was initially named The Women’s Well offered its first program in May 2000. Coming from a rich history of relationship with the Congregation of St. Joseph and a deep commitment to extending the mission of unity among the dear neighbor, the following ministries are the founding members of the Congregation of St. Joseph Mission Network: Catholic Mobilizing Network We are the first generation of people to know this great story. congregation of sisters of st joseph of springfield Join in the Mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph Your gift will aid the Sisters of St. Joseph in their daily ministries and our elderly and infirm sisters in their daily living as we strive to continue our mission of “uniting neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God, that all … Vincentian historian John E. Rybolt, C.M., building on the initiative of Stafford Poole, C.M., completed this English translation from the original French. 1515 W. Ogden Ave The Well Spirituality Center is a community that fosters an awakening to our Unity with the Divine, One Another, and all Creation. New Orleans, LA, River’s Edge: A Place For Reflection and Action All are welcome. We all evolved from a single energetic event that science refers to as the big bang. With the strength that comes from our life together, we dare to do, to suffer, and to undertake whatever we do to be of service, especially to those who are most vulnerable. Now is the time to make space in our hearts and our communities for the needs and concerns of all God’s people, the undocumented mother, the Midwest farmer, the unemployed steelworker, the suburban businesswoman, and the children and elders consigned to live in poverty. We the Congregation of St. Joseph, promise to recognize the reality that Earth is dying, to claim our oneness with Earth and to take steps now to strengthen, heal and renew the face of Earth. The mission of the Center serves as a means of extending the mission of loving unity to which the Congregation of St. Joseph is called. The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph was founded by Jean-Pierre Medaille (although older accounts attribute this to his brother, Jean Paul). Pat Bergen, CSJ, shaped The Well’s commitment to the New Story until she was called into Congregational leadership in 2007. Rather all is seen and known as sacred and connected. Nothing exists outside of relationship. Kermit, WV. The Society of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart, The Josephites, is a religious community of Catholic priests and brothers, committed to serving the African American community through the proclamation of the Gospel and our personal witness.