She can see a piece of food through a hole in a plastic box, but she cannot reach it. However, this bird is actually a long-tailed tit and no crow tit. comparing a parrot and a crow is like saying who is smarter, a doctor or a homeless man, although the doctor may have more knowledge the homeless man needs a heigtened sense of street smarts allowing him to live on each day, finding money, food and shelter. Uek has a problem. 7 years ago. 3 0. Subscribe now. Another Oakland bird watcher, Ingrid Taylar, spotted the parrot last week roosting with a murder of crows in Oakland's Uptown neighborhood. A separate crow on the pole or wire above the … parrot is … The exercises became increasingly challenging for the birds, and out of the six kea and five crows, only one bird of each group figured out all four puzzles. Anonymous. Browse through available talking birds for sale by aviaries, breeders and bird rescues. For ornithologists, bird watchers, and many people who enjoy birds, the idea of calculating the economic value of birds as pest-control agents, pollinators, carcass cleaners, and various other ecosystem service providers may be … Bird and Parrot classifieds. From the Summer 2017 issue of Living Bird magazine. So for the record, the smartest bird in the world isn't your expensive parrot that has learned how to repeat your private comments at the most inopportune time. in my opinion it goes evil uni, owl, crow. I'm not saying these are easy animals to take care of as they require space, care and attention but they are the most lovely birds. All these people answering here say complete BS because they never owned a crow like I did. owl has higher demand than crow, but evil uni is worth more i think. ‘Sometimes a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush but occasionally, the bird in the hand is really only a reasonable facsimile of the other two.’ ‘In a possible offer situation for a troubled company, a bird in the hand is certainly worth more than two in the bush.’ Infact I owned two. The bird looks like a common black crow except it has a distinctive white coloring on its chest. The bird flies to a roof above the patron and waits until he moves on to descend and investigate the wrapper. Credit: Alice Auersperg For kea Kermit, the stick presented the biggest challenge. The stick was Uek the crow's tool of choice. Kermit the kea and Uek the crow were the respected winners. It's just the common crow. parrot/frost are pretty equal now.