Their first name tends to be one distinct word, but their last names tend to be multiple words, separated with apostrophes. They use simple descriptives granted by the tribe based on an individual’s notable deeds or actions. lizardfolk names : From the draconic 5e language this lizardfolk will take names, For these names they use simple descriptives which are granted by the tribe and it is based on the individual’s notable deeds or the actions. Lizards have so many names from the draconic language. Its tail is used for balance and is 3 to 4 feet long. Lizardmen (蜥蜴人) are one of the demi-human races in the New World. After a while the dragon became dissapointed with the tribe and came back to kill them all. Lizardfolk take their names from the Draconic language. Hey there and welcome to my site. Lizardfolk spell-casters almost always focus on Nature, Evocations and Creation magics. They are humanoid lizards that have shared human and reptilian characteristics. Lizardfolk society was patriarchal and leaders held their positions for their strength and power alone. A lizardfolk is usually 6 to 7 feet tall with green, gray, or brown scales. Lizardfolk possess an alien and inscrutable mindset, their desires and thoughts driven by a different set of basic principles than those of warm-blooded creatures. Lizardfolk speak Draconic. The names of the lizards . Lizardfolk Names: Ssena, Solasstas, Gussh, Hazorduss, Vasculuss, Lass Lizardfolk Adventurers. Lizardfolk is a name for the collective reptilian tribes that inhabit the jungles of Eberron. Lizardfolk Names. Alignment. The lizardfolk are an ancient race, living for thousands of years their traditions and beliefs have mostly remained unchanged. Enjoy! Lizardfolk Names. The Tribe Name Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your tribe names to a text editor of your choice. As an example, Garret translates as an ‘ax’ in the course of which recognition was given to a lizardfolk warrior who defeated an ore. You’ll claim his enemy’s weapon. Lizardfolk make no distinction between male and female in their naming conventions. Lizardfolk Names. An evil dragon might exploit lizardfolk for its own vile ends, turning them into raiders and plunderers. Their allegiance is to themselves first, their tribe second, and to whatever promises the wellbeing of the first two. They hire simple descriptive permitted by the tribe that supported the individual’s incredible deeds or actions. Lizardfolk can differ based on their tribe and environment, but all lizardfolk have the following traits in common: Ability Score Increase. For my lizardfolk, I use Inca names and twists on Inca myths for my lizardfolk’s own myths and, at times, true stories. Even rarer if a tribe happens to have a magic user among them they will typically have enchanted weapons and armors. The lizardfolk of Aphesus are based on the Inca civilization, which was a South American people the ruled over a large swath of land on either side of the Andean Mountains. Lizardfolk fight as unorganized individuals. They use simple descriptive terms granted by the tribe based on an individual’s notable deeds or actions. Hiss is a lizardfolk barbarian. 10 random lizardfolk names to get you inspired They use simple descriptives granted by the tribe based on an individual’s notable deeds or actions. Names: Lizardfolk names tend to be sibilant, with many S sounds. Lizardfolk are patriarchal, and their tribes are usually ruled by their strongest and most aggressive male member. They use simple descriptives granted by the tribe based on an individual's notable deeds or actions. Names like Doss, Kidi, and Strix are good examples. Their society, being patriarchal has the strongest male leading the tribe with shaman/druid advisors. The lizardfolk clans of Alterra are the mortal descendants of the draconic broodfathers, each clan unique to their dragonbrood's color, much as the kobolds of the Ziddarin Tribe are descendants of Vaeleras and the white dragonbrood. Adventure to reveal the true concept with lizardfolk: The lizardfolk 5e is described as a semi-aquatic reptilian humanoid and its skin is covered with scales. Lizardfolk Names. Although they will have an adult name, and a place within the tribe, a young lizardfolk will usually lack the ma’ko … Organization solitary, band (with 3–12 lizardfolk), or tribe (with 13–60 lizardfolk) Treasure NPC gear (mwk trident, 2 mwk javelins) Special Abilities. The patron deity of the lizardfolk is Semuanya, whose chief concern is the survival and propagation of its charges. Male names tend to have harder sounds and more syllables, female names are generally shorter and roll of the tongue easily. There are over 1400 name generators, as well as many description generators, guides and various tools you might find helpful. Lizardfolk Names. Some lizardfolk, like the poison dusk and blackscale tribes, live in the wilds of Q'barra, where they defend their lands from the human colonists of New Galifar and Hope, destroying what they see as the "human infestation. For example, Garurt translates as “axe,” a name given to a lizardfolk warrior who defeated an orc and claimed his foe’s weapon. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Other 4 Discussions Lizardfolk are reptilian humanoids native to the world of Toril that tended to dwell in semi-aquatic environments (such as swamplands and coastlines). A lizardfolk tribe might end up serving a priest to an evil god, or become enslaved by a local draconic tyrant, but all they really want is to survive and be left alone. Lizardfolk settlements are usually founded in one of two ways; a migratory tribe settles down in one place, or part of the population of an already-settled village breaks off to found a new one. Lizardfolk or Rak’Ta (what they refer to themselves as) are a large seemingly primal race of reptilian humanoids. Tribe Names: Bogstalker, Bogshadow, Birdhunter, Beastkiller, Hardscale, Swordfang, Spearmouth, Daggermaw, Swamprunner, Marshtrekker. They use simple descriptives granted by the tribe based on an individual’s notable deeds or actions. For example, Garurt translates as "axe," a name given to a lizardfolk warrior who defeated an ore and claimed his foe's weapon. How many ideas can I generate with this random Tribe Name Generator? halfling manages to trade with a lizardfolk tribe. Quite taller than even an average human in height and is powerfully built with a height ranging between 6 to 7 feet. you can know d&d 5e races from here. 10 random tribe names … Enjoy! They employ plain descriptive permitted by the tribe based on the individual’s notable deeds or actions. This is the list of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition monsters, an important element of that role-playing game. Only a fool looks at the lizardfolk and sees nothing more than scaly humanoids. This list only includes monsters from official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition supplements published by TSR, Inc. or Wizards of the Coast, not licensed or unlicensed third party products such as video games or unlicensed Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition manuals. Lizards have several names from the draconic language. Their physical shape notwithstanding, lizardfolk have more in common with iguanas or dragons than they do with humans, dwarves, or elves. Lizardfolk names always have a lot of Ls, Ns, Rs, As, and Ys. Lizardfolk take their names from the Draconic language. Lizardfolk Names Lizardfolk take their names from the Draconic language. Female lizardfolk are given the same rights and responsibilities as males, but their slightly smaller sizes, their role as egg-layers and the tendency for eggs to hatch into females more often than into males make them less likely to become tribal leaders. Lizardfolk Names. They were constantly preyed upon by the Orcish tribes which dominated the central jungles of the continent, keeping their numbers small and communities isolated. The scales vary in colour from dark green through the various shade of brown and grey. How many ideas can I generate with this random Lizardfolk Name Generator? A lizardfolk can weigh from 200 to 250 pounds. The lizardfolk's appetite for humanoid flesh is often disturbing and appalling to other races, but their ... class names, domain names, prestige domain names, Yuan-Ti, creature types, creature subtypes, skill names, feats, feat names, natural armor, AC, Lizardfolk who fail to claim an adult name before they are 15 or 16 years old are usually culled from the tribe by one of their parents, or by an ashamed sibling. Kobold Tribe Names Kobold tribe names are usually defined by where they live, a physical trait they all might be sharing, a dragon they worship, or anything else that defines them as a clan. For millennia, the lizardfolk of the continent of Xhaan lived in small separate villages deep within the jungles. Lizardfolk go by one name, but they also know the name of the clan to which they belong. Combat. Three sample lizardfolk adventurers are described below. Most lizardfolk are neutral in their outlook. For example, Garurt translates as “axe,” a name given to a lizardfolk warrior who defeated an orc and claimed his foe’s weapon. Every few generations, a lizard scion is born to a lizardfolk tribe. For instance, Garurt translates as an ‘axe’ which a name was given to a lizardfolk warrior who defeated an ore. You can claim his enemy’s weapon. An exceedingly practical folk, they did not desire riches or knowledge that didn't have use in normal day-to-day survival activities. Your Constitution increases by 1. He was captured as a small child by a Neogi, who raised him as a gladitorial slave. The Lizardfolk Name Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your lizardfolk names to a text editor of your choice. For example, Garurt translates as “axe,” a name given to a lizardfolk warrior who … The backstory i had made was that his tribe of lizardfolk worshiped a Black Dragon and got sorcerous magic out of the deal. A typical tribe might have 150 lizardfolk, with around 50 male, 50 female, and 50 hatchlings, Another might have only 30–60 adults, with half as many hatchlings and one tenth that number in unhatched eggs. Lizardfolk Names Lizardfolk names are typically very harsh and sibilant, … They use simple descriptives granted by the tribe based on an individual’s notable deeds or Actions. Lizardfolk reach maturity around 1 year of age and are almost always slain in battle before the age of 60. Lizardmen dwell in the southern part of the Great Lake. Age. For example, Garurt translates as “axe,” a name given to a lizardfolk warrior who defeated an orc and claimed his foe’s weapon. Lizardfolk respect and fear magic with a religious awe. Lizardfolk … Lizardfolk Blood (Ex) A lizard scion counts as a lizardfolk for all effects related to race. Each example name includes its translation in parenthesis. Lizardfolk take their names from the Draconic language. Lizardfolk take their names from the Draconic language. From time to time, however, a lizardfolk tribe produces a powerful figure touched not by Semuanya but by Sess’inek — a reptilian demon lord who seeks to corrupt and control the lizardfolk. Lizardfolk shamans lead their tribes, overseeing rites and ceremonies performed to honor Semuanya. As you can see there's a lot to explore, but if you're looking for names you're at the right place. Lizardfolk traveling in the common lands might take a Common name that is easier for friends and foes to pronounce and remember. A tribe that wanders into the territory of a dragon will offer it tribute to win its favor. Lizardfolk gathered into tribes. Lizard-Folk Names [edit | edit source] Lizardfolk take their names from the Draconic language.