Pachycapsa), small spherical orbicules. Selain itu terdapat pula Dioscorea bulbifera, Dioscorea pentaphylla, dan Dioscorea nummularia. In the same paper (Huber, 1998), a relationship between sections Centrostemon, Cycladenium, Monadelpha, and Trigonobasis is postulated. They concluded, based on this limited sample, that pollen morphological characters provided useful systematic data within the genus. Methods are as in Schols et al. Dioscorea bulbifera is a potent medicinal plant used in both Indian and Chinese traditional medicine owing to its rich phytochemical diversity. Brachyandra) which is gemmate, all species in this survey possess a striate sexine. Enantiophyllum) distal polar view, disulculate, perforate. Fig. Flowering plants: monocotyledons, Lilianae (except Orchidaceae), Anales Del Instituto Biológica de la Universidad México, A palynological survey of New World Dioscoreaceae, Congress on tropical and subtropical palynology (America – Africa), Size modifications of recent pollen grains under different treatments, Equatorial aperture pattern in two monocots: same definition rules as in eudicots? Fig. Fig. Subsequently, a two-sample equal-variance t-test (one-tailed distribution) was carried out to test whether the difference in pollen size between both groups is significant (Sokal & Rohlf, 1981). Hojas alternas, ovadas a ocasionalmente suborbiculares, 15 25 cm de largo y 8 15 cm de ancho, 9-nervias; estipuladas. 18). Cryptantha) distal polar view, disulculate, striate (30 µm). Experimental Nutrition Laboratory, College of Nutrition, Federal Fluminense University, Rua Mário Santos Braga, 30, Niterói, RJ, 24020‐140 Brazil. The occurrence of yet another ornamentation type in section Stenophora underscores the eurypalynous character of this section. Stenophora) and D. remotiflora (sect. Fig. Air potato is an aggressive, herbaceous vine that can attain lengths of 65 feet in a single growing season. All other subdivisions of New World taxa find their origin in the classification of Knuth (1924), which has a narrow sectional delimitation. However, it is unlikely that gemmate pollen indicates a close relationship between them because it could be an adaptation to another pollinator. A combined analysis of pollen and molecular data is planned to test these further. Generally, disulculate apertures are rather uncommon, being restricted to some monocotyledons and basal angiosperms. To learn more, view our, Morphology of pollen and orbicules in some Dioscorea species and its systematic implications, Systematic Revision of the Epipetrum Group of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae) Endemic to Chile, The diploid nature of the Chilean Epipetrum and a new base number in the Dioscoreaceae, Phylogenetic relationships in Nartheciaceae (Dioscoreales), with focus on pollen and orbicule morphology, Taxonomic Revision of the Dioscorea campestris Species Assemblage (Dioscoreaceae). 36. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. In order to capture sunlight, air potato climbs by twining on other plants. Intine channels of c. 0.1 µm diameter are embedded in the entire intine, but concentrated beneath the apertures. Of all groups directly related to Dioscorea, only Tacca is monosulcate. 3. The aperture position at the distal pole was observed in tetrads in Tacca J.R. Forst. Fig. NPs synthesis was completed within 5 h showing a prominent peak at 540 nm. Dried material came from the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K: followed by collector's name and number) and the National Botanic Garden of Belgium (BR: followed by collector's name and number). This section is remarkably diverse in its pollen morphology. Rugulate ornamentation (Fig. Thin threads between orbicules occur in D. gillettii, D. cotinifolia, D. rupicola, and D. sinuata. Dioscorea belongs to the monocotyledons, family Dioscoreaceae, subfamily Dioscoreoideae. D. nummularia (sect. Pollen size, however, is very different in both species (Table 1). Barroso et al. Cerebroid perforate sexine (SEM). Animal Anatomy and Morphology (New March 2000) - (LL400) ... see more details of Dioscorea bulbifera dioscorea bulbifera Subject Category: Organism Names see more details L. from fifteen populations (including eleven wild populations and four cultivated populations) were observed and measured by scanning electron microscope (SEM), and a key of the fifteen populations … Tissues were dehydrated through an ethanol series followed by three changes of 100% ethanol and embedded in LR White resin (London Resin Co.) in gelatin capsules. D. nummularia (sect. (2001). As reported previously by Schols et al. This is supported by our pollen data because they are the only perforate Malagasy species. The pollen is tectate, and the raised areas of tectum form the bulges of the cerebroid pattern; the depressions between these bulges are where the columellae are located (Figs 29–32). D. bridgesii (sect. 29. D. minima (sect. Observations on floral morphology of eight species ofDioscorea L., namely,D. D. microbotrya (sect. This section seems to be very heterogeneous in both its macro- and its pollen morphology: D. cotinifolia and D. burchellii are macromorphologically very similar, except that D. cotinifolia is a right-hand climber with perforate pollen grains, whereas D. burchellii is left-twining and has striate pollen grains. It is suggested that there are two cotyledons in Dioscorea bulbifera L., D. praehensilis Benth., D. odoratissima Pax., D. hirtiflora Benth., D. preussii Pax., one of which remains in the seed as an absorptive organ. Furness & Rudall, 1999b), in Dioscorea it seems to be confined to a few sections, such as Stenophora (Table 1). D. anomala (sect. D. alatipes, with a gemmate sexine, is the only species of section Brachyandra lacking a striate sexine. Enantiophyllum) equatorial view, disulculate, perforate. D. caucasica (sect. Huber (1998) proposed a relationship between the sections Hyperocarpa, Trigonocarpa, Stenocarpa, and Trifoliatae. Both this ornamentation and rugulate patterns are called ‘rugulose perforate’ by Xifreda (2000). It is named by the monk Charles Plumier after the ancient Greek physician and botanist Dioscorides 27. This is supported by palynological data (Clarke & Jones, 1981; Caddick et al., 1998; Schols et al., 2001). White lines are visible at the bottom of the foot layer in mature stages, and this could indicate the presence of a weakly developed endexine (Figs 31, 32). 41) are reflected in the pollen morphology, such as the close relationship between the sections Cardiocapsa and Madagascarienses. The mean value of LA for all species investigated is 35 µm (Table 1). Brachyandra, Cardiocapsa, and Seriflorae, three Malagasy sections, are characterized by striate pollen. To distinguish between the clearly distinct rugulate and cerebroid perforate ornamentation, we adopt Su's terminology. Section Rhacodophyllum. (2001) (0.77 µm on average). Borderea), striate sexine, striations are arranged in concentric polygons. Channelled intine appears to be widespread in monocots, and therefore it is not a useful character at the infrageneric level in Dioscorea, although it could potentially be useful at higher taxonomic levels. Enantiophyllum) proximal polar view, disulculate, perforate (30 µm). Fig. 26). Trigonocarpa), striate sexine. The results also supported the hypothesis of Su (1987) that pollen of taxa with annual tubers is smaller than that of sections with persistent tubers. Corms of Dioscorea bulbifera are aphrodisiac, tonic, and used for treating sore throat, boils and swellings, dysentery, piles, and syphilis. Terminology follows the international glossary (Punt et al., 1998). Stenocorea), large elliptical orbicules. Tubérculos hipogeos y esféricos, 20 30 cm de diámetro, corteza café clara a amarillenta, lisa; bulbilos esféricos, 1 10 cm de diámetro; tallos levovolubles. The t-test on the LA measurements confirms that the difference between both groups is significant (P = 0.00011). 4). are presented. Stenophora is hypothesized to be homologous with that of Trichopus Gaertn. Species are listed alphabetically by section in the Appendix, and those specimens examined using transmission electron microscopy are indicated with an asterisk. Fig. Both species have fruits with a fleshy pericarp in the early stages of development. PETER SCHOLS, CAROL A. FURNESS, PAUL WILKIN, ERIK SMETS, VEERLE CIELEN, SUZY HUYSMANS, Pollen morphology of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae) and its relation to systematics, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 143, Issue 4, December 2003, Pages 375–390, Dioscorea bulbifera, Air Potato, Aerial Yam, Potato Yam, Bitter Yam Family. data), a close relative of Dioscorea (Caddick et al., 2002a). D. wallichii (sect. Plant has two types of storage organs. Schols et al. This … Fig. One of Florida’s most troublesome invaders is air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera), a member of the family of true yams. 22. Fig. This is especially true for the mainly Eurasian sections, such as Enantiophyllum and Paramecocarpa, some African sections (e.g. (P. Schols, C. A. Furness, P. Wilkin & E. Smets, unpubl. The primary fea-tures that can help in distinguishing the species include the nature of periderm, presence or absence of pericyclic sclereids, lignification in the phloem, types of calcium oxa-late crystals and features … Peter Schols holds a research grant from the IWT (no. Fig. This paper adds new data on the pollen and orbicule morphology of 61 Dioscorea L. (Dioscoreaceae) species to the survey of Schols et al. Suzy Huysmans is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders (Belgium). It is one of the very few sections with large, monosulcate pollen grains. 39. (2001) reported perforate (Figs 15–19), striate (Figs 20–22), and microreticulate sexine patterns. Search for more papers by this author. However, molecular data suggest that D. ovinala and D. antaly are not related (P. Wilkin, P. Schols, M. W. Chase, K. Chamayarit, C. A. Furness, R. Geeta, S. Huysmans, F. Rakotobasalo, L. Raz, E. Smets & C. Thapyai, unpubl. The wall structure of Dioscorea pollen is always tectate–columellate and there is little variation in exine thickness (0.6–1.5 µm) for the species examined in this survey, which agrees with that found by Schols et al. (2002b) and an analysis by the same authors suggests a position near the base of the Dioscoreaceae. Crocus (Iridaceae) and many Zingiberales, with a thick, channelled intine over the whole grain (Furness & Rudall, 1999a). Stenophora) distal polar view, monosulcate, perforate (45 µm). 41). The smallest average in Schols et al. The plants sometimes also have small underground tubers. 31. Embryogenic cultures of Dioscorea bulbifera were cryopreserved using an encapsulation-dehydration procedure with subsequent plant regeneration. Dioscorea bulbifera L., Sp. The LA of most species is about 30 µm, and all species are disulculate. The pollen grains are mainly monosulcate, in contrast to the other Dioscorea sections in which the number of apertures is mostly two. They are also used against tumour. (2001). Fifty-eight of 61 species examined have orbicules on the inner locule wall, ranging in size from 0.12 µm (D. multinervis) to 1.25 µm (D. glandulosa) (Table 1), whereas Schols et al. About 10% of the total number of species we have examined are monosulcate (Table 1, Figs 1–14), i.e. D. bulbifera is a monocotyledonous, dioecious, herbaceous perennial vine, which has been described as one of the most aggressive weeds ever introduced into the United States (Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, 2008).It is a highly invasive plant included in the Global Compendium of Weeds (Randall, 2012), and which creates management problems in many parts of the … and this is supported by our pollen data: D. birmanica has diaperturate grains. The other, the emergent cotyledon, developing late, appears above ground and carries out the normal photosynthetic functions of a leaf. Fig. Stenophora), spherical orbicules. 18); the average value is 0.23 µm. The average LA ranges from 20 to 58 µm. The inflorescence of D. alatipes grows very low to the ground on leafless lower stems, unlike most other members of its section, which might be associated with ant pollination (see discussion on gemmate sexine patterns). Most perforate species have a perforation density below 6 µm−2 (Table 1). Orbicules on the locule wall (SEM). D. gillettii was placed in section Borderea by Milne-Redhead (1975), but palynologically it shares very little with D. pyrenaica, the other Borderea representative in this survey. Fig. By contrast, rather large pollen grains can be found within sections Borderea, Parallellostemon, Rhacodophyllum, Shannicorea, Stenophora, and Testudinaria, with mean LA values ranging from 35 to 40 µm. The sexine of both species does not look alike and given the distant relationship between both species, it is very unlikely that both occurrences of a rugulate sexine are homologous. This seems to be confirmed by pollen data as well, because D. esculenta also has rather large, disulculate pollen and 2.6 perforations µm−2 (Schols et al., 2001). with a single elongated latitudinal aperture situated at the distal pole (Punt et al., 1998). A gemmate sexine is also found in the ant-pollinated D. pyrenaica from southern Europe (Garcia et al., 1995). The development of intine channels has been studied in Aristea major (Iridaceae: Suárez-Cervera et al., 2000) who observed three distinct intine layers: a pectic outer layer (I1), a pectic–proteinic channelled layer (I2), and a fibrillar cellulosic inner layer (I3), based on cytochemical tests. By contrast, Burkill suspected the sections Brachyandra and Pachycapsa to be closely related, which is not entirely supported by our pollen data, caused by a reversal to a perforate sexine pattern (P. Schols, C. A. Furness, P. Wilkins & E. Smets, unpubl. The most remarkable distinctive features of the taxa studied are: the presence of large fruits and raceme … Although both perforation types are called ‘cerebroid perforate’ in this paper, they are most likely not homologous. The air yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) is an unconventional vegetable that produces a reserve stem, which has polysaccharides in its composition. More detailed examination reveals an important difference: in D. palawana and D. ridleyi two perforation types occur, small perforations of about 0.1–0.2 µm distributed on the entire surface and larger perforations (about 0.5 µm) found in between the bulges (Fig. Perforate ornamentation (Figs 15–19). Fig. (2001). Therefore, aperture number was established from LM observations (Figs 6–14). Fig. 8. D. paradoxa (sect. (2001) was for D. bulbifera, with an LA of only 16 µm, whereas the largest LA was found in D. buchananii (45 µm). Abstract: Observations on floral morphology of eight species of Dioscorea L., namely, D. bulbifera L., D. dumetorum (KUNTH) PAX, D. hirtiflora BENTH., D. minutiflora ENGL., D. preussii PAX, D. odoratissima PAX, D. rotundata POIR. Few species have spherical to elliptical orbicules (D. cotinifolia, Fig. The example of two species of Pontederiaceae, Carnoy: a new digital measurement tool for palynology, Morphology of pollen and orbicules in some, Pollen ultrastructure of the Pontederiaceae: evidence for exine homology with the Haemodoraceae, Phylogenetic relationships, seed characters, and dispersal system evolution in Amaryllideae (Amaryllidaceae), Pollen and spores: morphology and biology.