It’s not a first cousin to high fructose corn syrup or neighbor to those multisyllabic scary ingredients. Because I have an abundance of grape leaves, they do the trick for me. When the vinegar was hot, I removed a jar from the hot water, filled it with as many pickles as I could and then poured the boiling vinegar over top. Two questions: my family prefers their pickles in spear form. Give that a chance first. Ha! Thanks. Makes about 7 pints. I am sooo excited! I know this may sound stupid but is it store bought pickling spices or do you have a recipe for picking spices? They last in the crock for Lol at thanksgiving my nanny would promise me whatever was left in the pickle bowl if I ate a spoon of her dressing. Somehow I knew, I just knew. I think the rounds of chile would be amazing, so will definitely try that next year. I can’t see alum without thinking of those old Warner Brothers cartoons in which Wyle E. Coyote’s head shrinks after eating it. Follow the recipe on the bag just use Peppers instead of cucumbers. It will work out fine, but you’ll be wishing you made 10 pounds. Do you know, can I use Alum in other veggies, such as asparagus and carrots? Does anyone have any recommendation about how much to add? I have a 5 gal lidded jar that will be perfect! I’m on day two – on day 3 do you boil the water with the alum. going into my regular pickle rotation. Now I can share this with my children, who also adore pickles!!! Love it. They... Read more » My father however, had lost the recipe. 7 DAY SWEET PICKLES : 7 lbs. Repeat each day for 4 days; using fresh water each time. No need to process these in a processor and if you want to can them to seal, you just do the hot water sterilization pack. Enjoy your pickles! A “canning” friend told me that grape leaves may be used instead of alum; indeed, I invited her over to pick as many grape leaves as she wanted. The pickles are so strong of apple cider vinegar we can’t eat them. I’ve made these for years and eaten them years later and they were fine. My husband and I just devoured the first jar last night. Let sit for at least two hours. Will they be okay do you think? Mrs. W., I am into my second season of canning and loving it more than ever!! Make up any shortfall of liquid by adding back the vinegar, just until the pickles are covered. It’s been very hot and humid here and the pickles are in a pot with a lid, not sealed tight. Also, you needed more liquid to fill the jars - how did you handle that? iBooks | IndieBound, Amazon | Barnes & Noble Honestly? Sadly, never took the time to learn her canning techniques before she passed. Thanks. On Day 5 slice pickles. Day 7 of pickle process and I just finished the sugar step. I have given hard away and brought back with in hours for a refill. Thanks. I have started the recipe and first two day at least 12 hours. So excited to try these! Yields 4 pounds of cucumbers yield approximately 7 cups (3 1/2 pints) of pickles. I put mine in jars, pour the hot liquid over. This is a pickle that’s worth the (very minimal) work. Established in 2007, she shares and preserves family recipes as well as recipes for cooking light and keto. You can add more sugar to the jars too before you add the extra vinegar/sugar solution. charcutepalooza march challenge. But yours sound pretty darn close. I couldn’t wait to get the recipe. We like ours really sweet so theses turned out fabulous. Boil 1 … They keep making liquid for a while. Aug 25, 2015 - We have started picking cucumbers from the garden. […] favorite sweet pickle of all time is Nanny’s 7 Day Sweet Pickles. I know I’d love these!! First time using alum. I can’t find mine. The sugar pulls liquid from the pickles as you pack them tightly. No, I don’t refrigerate them until after you have an unsealed jar (if you hot pack to seal as instructed). salt. Place in jar with … 7 lbs. On fifth day drain cucumbers then rinse well and drain. Boil the cider vinegar with the pickling spice. I also added extra sugar to each jar thinking this would help and have been turning them over a couple times a day…just tasted them again and still have that sharp vinegar taste that curls to the back of your throat and makes you cough…it’s strong…lol. Greek! The most “cooking” you will do is boiling the water and vinegar! let come to a boiling point. When you say overnight how many hours do you suggest? Thank you for sharing the recipe. I would not make this pickle with white vinegar. cucumbers water to cover 1 quart vinegar 8 cups sugar 2 tablespoons salt 2 tablespoons mixed pickling spices. Not the syrup or reserved vinegar? Go ahead, halve the recipe if you must, but I’ll bet you will regret not having more pickles once you’ve tasted one of these seven day wonders. Really wishing I opted for the full 10#. Also, am I correct in assuming that no salt is added till the second batch of hot water on day 2? I will have to give these a try! Do you refrigerate these at all prior to them being placed in their jars for storage? Hi Cathy I am on day 3 of your pickles and just wondering if I can use white vinegar. It’s not a bad thing, alum. They are sweet and briny with a sharp vinegar bite. Do you know where you can get one of these? cucumbers, any size, cut lengthwise Soak 3 days in salt water that will hold up a small egg, then soak 3 days in clean water. I have a cute PICKLE Halloween story…in Montreal Mrs. Whyte’s Pickles are the most popular Jewish pickle. We used the cucumbers for a half gallon of sh.... . my recipe for sweet pickles turns into about 14 days. They canned and are yummy. I made these last week. I assume is ok to use a metal bowl for the sugar step. You may be surprised! I need some help? After day seven, I refrigerate the finished jars, where the pickles will keep indefinitely. Just place the lid and tighten the ring. Then set them on a towel on your counter and cover with another towel. They mellow out. take 2 tablespoons of powdered alum and enough water to cover pickles. Aluminum will react with the vinegar. Thanks , Hi Adrienne, thanks. That’s what I was kind of thinking. Drain cucumbers. vinegar 8 c. sugar 2 tbsp. I lost my recipe that I have had for 40 years. That’s great info re: alum. I use grape leaves too. If any don’t seal you can do a water bath to seal it. On morning number 5, slice cucumbers into 1/4 inch thick rings. Hey Cathy! Geez, that’s a lot of pickles. I’m wondering if i csn use csne vinegsr instead of apple cider vinegar. 1 quart vinegar. Better yet, do you have a link for where I can get one like that shown in your pics? I love bread and butter pickles, but these 7 Day pickles have a distinctly different flavor to me. Your details were sent successfully! In your cookbook, you add five cups of sugar to the brine on Day 4, which you don’t do here. and add to the cider vinegar. I think they could sit in the pickle brine for awhile. What size jar did you use for this process? could you send it to my email address. (Days 5-7). I’ll have to try that. Cover. Home > Recipes > 7 day pickle. $5.99 Price. in the crock with a layer of pickles and a layer of sugar with a pack of spice in the I hope you enjoy them for a long time!! How do you seal these for the shelf? Hi Barbara, they’re called seven day sweets! They are so addictive! I cannot stand the taste of vinegar, how long do these need to sit before the sugar over takes most of the vinegar flavor? I have not. Here, I’m encouraging you to make 10 pounds of pickles. Turn them over and over a few times in the next three or four days to disperse and dissolve any sugar that gathers on the bottom. Hi Ron, The pickles will mellow in time, but if you want to add more sugar, feel free! Everything lost, grape leave sounded right, used to wrap sausage yum! vase fermeted pickles… what a lovely Bouquet! Then Im not trying to fling a bowl around my kitchen. Repeat the process on day 7, then spoon the pickles and syrup into hot steralized jars and seal. This one has the green food colouring. I washed the jars and put them in a pan of hot water and kept them at a low simmer after the water boiled. I can eat an entire jar of these pickles in one sitting ,too. I wish it was glass or ceramic. Boil 1/2 gallon water with ginger added then pour over cucumbers. My ears perked up with that mention. Ahh secrect recipes. I do keep adding sugar till they are well covered. There is no processing and these jars are shelf stable. w. Larry, I’m so sorry to hear about your wife and your home. The sugar will draw the liquid out of the pickles and make a syrup, some of which is now on the bottom of the bowl. Cap the jars. I know. One question; am I correct in assuming there is no need to place under refrigeration up to where you say to chill before serving? I have been so indoctrinated about pickle safety that this makes me a bit… um, uncomfortable, but I should shut up and try it. Combine vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. I made these pickles about 3 weeks ago and they disappeared in record time. Thanks for a response! No need to process them in a canner. Do you place the pickling spice in the app,e cider vinegar as it is boiling. Is there a particular type of cucumber you recommend for this recipe -pickling cuke, Persian or slicing? Cucumber pickles are worth the extra time, though. Let stand 24 hours and drain. Oh yes. Learn how your comment data is processed. Among the women in my family, the 14-Day Pickle was considered to be the perfect sweet pickle. Had enough to share with friends too. While there is probably enough vinegar to make it safe, I would be afraid since there’s no processing involved. Leave the bundle of spices in the jar for all three days. The recipe was lost. Called “century pickles”. As far as a squash pickle recipe, it’s alot easier to keep squash and zucchini crisp than a cucumber. Bought a car for a jar of pickels. Should I cover them like on the first day. You do the salt water soak for a couple days then the alum then vinegar then put Pour the sugar over the pickles, stir well and allow the mixture to sit for about an hour. The alum must happen before the vinegar. 1/4 c salt Made these and they are crisp, but a real vinegar bite. And in these dog days of summer, when the heat is hovering at 100°F every single day, here’s a preserving recipe that has very little cooking involved. The reason being, apple cider vinegar is $8 a quart where i am now, philippines. I have been trying to find this recipe for a long time. This heats the lid. Stir well, and let it sit for about an hour. Thank you so much! Hi, my guess is you will need only about a quart of liquid to cover two pounds of slices – so cut the salt, alum and pickling spice back to 25% of the recipe measure shown.