It is frustrating in some circumstances, as it’s usually stuck to the machinery, the bottom of a grinder, or to the sides of trim scissors. The tip of the trichome is where the highest concentration of the psychoactive phytocannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is stored. Then there’s kief, a natural byproduct of grinding but also a valuable collection of trichomes, the most potent part of the pot plant. Privacy Policy. While the potency of kief varies by the plant, it generally tests at 50% THC, compared to regular flower that usually tests between 12-25%. Kief is a substance collected from the buds of the marijuana plant and has a specific definition that reflects this origin. The buds and the leaves also contain THC, but trichomes which are the kief is the most potent … Now that you know what kief is and how to collect it, what should you do with it? Our team of cannabis professionals collectively share years of experience in all corners of the market, from growing and retail, to science and medicine, to data and technology. Les trichomes du cannabis, en produisant une substance psychoactive, vont désorienter les animaux qui en mangeraient et donc l’empêcher de se faire déguster. Enter your location to see results closest to you. When a marijuana plant reaches maturity in its growth cycle trichomes are formed on the leaves and buds of the plant. Kief is a perfect addition to any well-packed bowl. Without a three-chamber herb grinder to sift and collect kief, the kief is wasted because it just sticks to the grinder itself. As you grind your cannabis over a kief box, screes collect plant material while the kief falls to the bottom. By submitting this form, you will be subscribed to news and promotional emails from Leafly and you agree to Leafly's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You’ll find kief built up over time in the nooks and crannies (or in the catch if you have one). Moonrocks are top-quality nugs covered in oil and rolled in kief. It is also how Rolling Stones member Keith Richards pronounces his first name! Kief is a byproduct of marijuana production. We do not share your location with anyone. Though in essence, they are the same, they are completely different products with differing qualities. While cannabis connoisseurs utilize the effects of kief for their own uses, kief was developed as a defense mechanism to protect the cannabis plant out in the wild. If you like the experience of concentrates but don’t want to break the bank buying expensive wax or extraction equipment, sifting kief might be a great alternative. Kief boxes are better for more hardcore kief enthusiasts. Remember to hit like and subscribe and thanks for watching! Trichomes are tiny, bulbous glands that protrude from the surface of the buds and leaves of late-stage cannabis plants. We're a long way from equity in cannabis. You’ve probably collected it yourself, even if you didn’t know it yet- just check your grinder! And being relatively easy to produce, even for beginners, it’s little wonder why kief is so sought-after. The Art of Extraction, Part 6: Experts Talk Extracts, Everything you need to know about rolling papers, explained, Cannabis college enrollment spikes during COVID-19, How does cannabis get its color? Kief sifters are fine mesh screens that are used to separate kief from cannabis flower. Kief is highly potent, so a little goes a long way with this method. What is Kief? Bonus : Pour vous, amis linguistes, le kief a donné le verbe kieffen en allemand, qui veut dire « fumer du cannabis », et le verbe kiffer en français. It can also be consumed easily and efficiently with a dry herb vaporizer. Kief can be smoked, vaporized, dabbed and eaten much like regular marijuana, though there are slight differences to the way kief … What Is Kief? Can kief be dabbed? Before we can learn how to smoke kief, let’s first understand what it is exactly. So, rather than buying branded cannabutter, make your own at a fraction of the cost. Corner your hits to get the most out of a kief-crowned bowl, corner your hits, which entails burning a quadrant of the bowl at a time so that you can enjoy multiple hits. You're not old enough to use Leafly. Kief is also mixed in with butter nicely, so you can spread it on just about anything. L'intoxiqué court perpétuellement après son kief.La plus simple des formules : fumer deux pipes de moins pendant trois jours consécutifs pour retrouver le kief en fumant une pipe de plus le quatrième jour; à partir de là, les combinaisons sont infinies.Mathilde raffinait. The best way to use your kief disks is to break up it up into small pieces for smoking, but plenty of people prefer to smoke the whole disk at once. Gently heat your oil of choice and liberally coat your buds. How to Collect Kief Alors que les professionnels récoltent le kief avec d’énormes tamis, ou en battant les plants de cannabis avec une sorte de fléau comme c’est la tradition au Maroc, un grinder à quatre étages suffit lorsqu’il s’agit de petites quantités. We also carry kief here at Green Alien Cannabis to take the hassle out of collection entirely. Trichomes are where cannabinoids (like THC and CBD) are produced, along with terpenes (flavour compounds) 1.As such, they contain higher concentrations of THC, CBD and terpenes than any other part of … Kief refers to the sticky crystal resin that coats cannabis buds. Some believe kief is a separate entity to cannabis. from a marijuana cannabis plant. Here’s why some strains turn purple. Those are trichomes. Kief or crystals when seperated from the marijuana (leaf, stem, flower buds) resemeble a yellow powder. Though kief can be considered a byproduct of the marijuana plant, it actually contains a very high concentration of both cannabinoids and terpenes. Kief is essentially just the trichomes of the marijuana flowers. © 2021 Leafly Holdings, Inc. Leafly and the Leafly logo are registered trademarks of Leafly Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved. These trichomes can be removed from the plant material, producing kief, a powerfully concentrated form of cannabis. Kief, also known as dry sift, is a collection of the trichomes, or resinous glands that grow all over the marijuana plant. Moonrocks are relatively easy to make if you have the materials. While marijuana sans kief still contains cannabinoids, the resin glands that develop on flower buds pack the biggest punch. Darn! E-Liquide CBD : Quels sont les bienfaits ? Some call it pollen because, well, it looks just like pollen, and some also call it “dry sift.” Kief discs – sometimes known as kief pucks, are small circular discs made of compressed cannabis crystals. When buying screens, the number of wires or threads per inch, or the LPI (lines per inch) number is an important thing to remember. Weed Kief/Marijuana Kief. Kief can be enjoyed alone by smoking it, but you should use caution as the powder consistency of it makes it easy to accidentally inhale through a glass piece. Kief has a powdery texture that comes from the cannabis bud when using a grinder that has a mesh screen. We’ll email you updates on local dispensary deals, new products, and industry news. It’s the addition that makes all the difference. Many different plants and algae have external trichomes for specific evolutionary purposes. This is the most potent method of ingestion and can either set you up for an intense, thrilling high or can cause a green-out and be an awful experience. You don’t have to use a solvent to collect kief because it’s gathered through the use of … It’s the addition that makes all the difference. By accessing this site, you accept This substance is rich with trichomes that come from the cannabinoids. Kief ( pronounced [keːf, ki (ː)f, kɪf]; from Arabic كيف (kayf) 'pleasure'), sometimes transliterated as keef, also known as cannabis crystals among other names, refers to the resinous trichomes of cannabis that may accumulate in containers or be sifted from loose, dry cannabis infructescences with … They’re called kief, also known as dry sift or pollen. This hash has a dark color because it has been heavily pressurized. It is frustrating in some circumstances, as it’s usually stuck to the machinery, the bottom of a grinder, or to the sides of trim scissors. Kief is a hidden treasure that relatively few marijuana consumers know about. To be specific, kief is technically only the bulbous tip of each trichome, which is the most potent part of the plant. There are many ways to make good use of your stockpile of unrefined cannabis concentrate from smoking kief to making hash. Kief sifters are fine mesh screens that are used to separate kief from cannabis flower. Kief belongs to the cannabis plant’s trichome system. Smoking kief can give you the same high as smoking BHO or other extracts because of its high THC content. Basically, kief is the stuff at the bottom of the grinder (If you’re still picking your pot apart with your fingers, you’re really missing out). People have been asking what Kief is. That is, it's best to combine it with conventional … Those glands are pretty special as they contain the terpenes and cannibinoids that make cannabis, cannabis. Pepper your ground cannabis with a healthy pinch of kief and mix well. The idea is quite simple: Take the sifter screen and place it over a rolling tray or similar surface. Kief - also known as "keef," "dry sift," or "pollen" - is a colloquial term for the resinous trichome glands when separated from cannabis flower. Applying heat and pressure to kief changes its composition by rupturing the resin glands. These glorious glitter cannabis specimens are very high potency and can be considered a quick DIY concentrate. Qu’est-ce que le CBGa (acide cannabigerolique) ? This substance is rich with trichomes that come from the cannabinoids. While two chamber grinders are nice, they often let potent kief go to waste since crystals fall off of the dried herb and just stick to the inside of the grinder. We use cookies to enable essential features of our site and to help personalize your experience. Le Camp Nou bientôt sponsorisé par une marque de CBD ? These fine hairs that are found on the surface of many cannabis plants are known as trichomes, with kief just being a single component of the whole structure. L’extraction de kief est la première étape dans la fabrication du hash. Kief’s appearance will range from white to green depending on how much of the raw plant matter still remains. Our kief is sold by the gram in puck form. Keif (also spelled ‘keef’, ‘kif’, or ‘keif’) stems from the Arabic word kayf (كيف) meaning ‘pleasure’ or ‘intoxication’. A sift box is a wooden box filled with mesh screens that have different sized holes. D’autres plantes, comme le cannabis, les utilisent comme un répulsif pour les herbivores. Yes, however it is a waste of kief as there are other ways of using kief to get an instant high, such as sprinkling it over a joint. To make sure you’re collecting the cleanest kief without unwanted plant matter, stack three to four layers of fine mesh screen one on top of another. What is kief? The best way to use your kief disks is to break up it up into small pieces for smoking, but plenty of people prefer to smoke the whole … Elsa lui répond. Due to kief being a powder, it is much more efficient to mix it through a cannabis bud and then smoke it. While kief specifically refers to the bulbous, crystal formation on the tip of a gland, the substance itself is just one part of what is called a trichome, or a “hair.”. Kief is easy to collect, and easy to use. When you do dabs, you’re just consuming hash that has been finely concentrated from kief. A: Kief is not as potent as extracted concentrates such as shatter or wax, but it is much easier and cheaper to make/collect. When you buy top-shelf cannabis you see that (especially under a magnifying glass or phone lens) it’s covered in tiny little crystals, you know you’re about to hit the kief jackpot. It refers to the resin glands that contain the cannabinoids and terpenes that contribute to the uniqueness of the plant. Kief is the collection of tiny, resinous hairs on cannabis flower nugs known as trichomes.Sticky and amber-colored trichomes contain a high concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes.Trichome hairs can be found on cannabis leaves and stems, but are primarily found on the flower itself.Although … Some call it pollen because, well, it looks just like pollen, and some also call it “dry sift.” It’s typically light brown … Les différentes étapes de la croissance d’une plante de cannabis, Le CBT (cannabicitran) : un cannabinoïde dont on sait peu de choses. Kief or crystals can be compressed, heated and rolled to create hash / hashish. and Privacy Policy. Kief is the term for the crystal-like formations on the bulbous tip of the resinous trichomes which give a cannabis plant its frosted appearance. In this video we show you some kief and how we smoke it/go over what kief is. You may have noticed the small, crystalline formations on your CBD hemp flower. the Terms of Use This process is usually done with flower, but higher yields and potency can be achieved by pressing kief. In reality, you already have kief in your hands when holding weed, but you don’t know it! Using a three-chamber herb grinder will help you finely grind your cannabis while letting kief crystals fall through a screen and collect into a small compartment. La forte odeur de résine et son parfum distinct attirent par ailleurs les insectes pollinisateurs. 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So, why is kief so special? When you put a flame to kief... Make Hash. Extracting kief is the first step in the creation of hash, therefore hash is actually kief that has been pressed and heated into a block. This powder is actually made up of tiny crystals that form the exterior of marijuana buds. Hash is kief that has been heated and pressed into bricks or pucks. Want to join forces, get informed, get involved? Pressurizing kief also darkens its color; the more pressure you apply, the darker the hash becomes. Well, kief has a high concentration of terpenes and cannabinoids, which make it unusually potent. Framed Speedball screen printing screens. Le kief (ou keef, ou pollen, ou popo) est issu des glandes résineuses qui couvrent la plante de cannabis (les trichomes) et contiennent les terpènes et les cannabinoïdes qui rendent le cannabis si unique. The idea is quite simple: Take the sifter screen and place it over a rolling tray or similar surface. Kief can be collected in several ways, if larger amounts are needed then it is collected by rubbing leaves over stainless steel mesh screens or by shaking the branches and holding something under the plant. A cross between a Brazilian sativa landrace and a resin-heavy South Indian indica,  White Widow has blessed every Dutch coffee shop menu since its birth in the 1990s. When consumed, her dominant flavor is the spicy-sharp bite of smouldering resin glands. We won’t share this without your permission. On obtient alors une matière plus sombre, et un goût et des effets différents que le kief d’origine. But not everyone knows this fact, so when someone is talking about kief, they’re probably talking about a collection of various parts of the trichomes. What is Kief? The sticky substance is a defensive characteristic of cannabis, developed over the course of the plant’s evolution. A: Kief is essentially unprocessed hash. Kief can be made to be any colour but naturally, it is a shade of green. Kief is used in the same way regular bud is. In this case, your bowl becomes that bit more potent. These are what we call the active ingredients (CBD, THC and CBN).Kief is found in all buds that you smoke, the higher grade cannabis will hold a higher volume of kief. For the best results, home extractors use consecutive sizes of screen and stack them in order from largest to smallest. It’s the sticky part of the trichome that adheres to your fingers when you handle loose cannabis. Kief vs Hash – The Differences. This process bursts the resin glands in the kief — which can change the taste and effects slightly. KIef is the delightful powdery substance that … Kief is often placed in the same category as concentrates, even though it doesn’t require the same extensive … Learn more about our use of cookies in our Cookie Policy and Kief comes from trichomes - the microscopic resin glands found on cannabis flowers, leaves, and stalks. It doesn’t matter where you’ve packed it. Hash is one of the oldest forms of refined cannabis. Kief that still looks fairly green means that there is still quite a bit of plant matter mixed in, whereas kief that has been cleaned well tends to be more of an off-white color. It comes from the resin of the cannabis plant. For those of you who want a more advanced experience, dampen the outside of your joint with a lick or your preferred wax and then roll the top 1/3 of the joint in kief. It really is a fairly cheap and natural byproduct of marijuana. Also known as “crowning a bowl,” this is the first and most obvious use... Sprinkle kief into a joint or roll a twax koint. Kief resembles shimmery crystals in a blonde bombshell color with a powerfully pleasing smell. Vous vous êtes toujours demandé ce qu’était la poudre au fond de votre grinder ? Etats-Unis : les pneumopathies viennent-elles des cigarettes électroniques ? Explore the Diverse World of Cannabis Oil and Concentrates, Recipe: How to make basic cannabis-infused butter. It’s a sort of powdery substance, but appears like little crystals on the buds. The crystals that contain T.H.C. The larger the screen, the smaller the LPI number. An accumulation of trichome glands sifted from cannabis flowers with a mesh screen or sieve. In this video we show you some kief and how we smoke it/go over what kief is. Once the kief ruptured, the overall taste and effects of the product are slightly different. Brewing your kief tea is similar to putting the concentrate into your coffee. Hash is a more potent for of marijuana that takes the form of small bricks made of compressed kief. If smoked in powder form the user will experince a more intense high then regular marijuana. Take cannabis flower and gently rub it back and forth on the screen allowing the kief to sift through the screen to the tray below. Tread lightly when dealing with cannabis concentrates as pure as keef. Due to the high concentration of terpenes and cannabinoids in resin glands, separating kief crystals from plant matter is a great way to consume cannabis while reducing the amount of charred material you take into your body. Leafly is the world’s largest cannabis information resource, empowering people in legal cannabis markets to learn about the right products for their lifestyle and wellness needs. Oh, remember how kief burns quickly? Q: Kief vs. hash: What’s the difference? WHAT IS KIEF? A collection of trichomes is called kief, also known as toppings, pollen, or cannabis crystal. Snoop Dogg fredonne La Reine des Neiges. Kief refers to the resin glands which contain the terpenes and cannabinoids that make cannabis so unique. The at-home kief press method involves a hair straightener and a vice, while professional methods incorporate high-pressure presses. Oh no, it’s much, much more and we’re going to show you how you can take your pot smoking to the next level with kief. La NBA va-t-elle arrêter de dépister le cannabis ? Ces grinders disposent d’un tamis qui laissent passer les cristaux de kief et le collectent au « rez-de-chaussée ». This is the most potent method of ingestion and can either set you up for an intense, thrilling high or can cause a green-out and be an awful experience. What to do with kief Sprinkle it onto your packed bowl of cannabis. Même si une plante de cannabis sans trichome contient toujours des cannabinoïdes, les glandes résineuses en rassemblent la majeure partie. Smoking hash is very similar to smoking kief. Remember to hit like and subscribe and thanks for watching! It just settles naturally through the sifting process. For example, some carnivorous plants rely on sticky trichomes to trap their prey. Between its mysterious origin, ambiguous genetics, and the plethora of successful crosses the strain has produced, Chemdawg has practically secured itself a permanent place in the cannabis hall of fame. The tiny, sticky crystals that cover the marijuana flower is known as kief, or dry sift. It resembles a fine powder and may be brown, green, or yellow in color. This further increases the potency of a normal cannabis bud. Though in essence, they are the same, they are completely different products with differing … At Leafly, we're on a mission to strengthen the industry. Ever wonder what to call all those tiny, sticky crystals that cover cannabis flower? Newsweed est le premier média français sur l'actualité légale et mondiale du cannabis - © Newsweed, Contraventionnalisation du cannabis en France, Expérimentation du cannabis thérapeutique. Kief is a powerfully concentrated form of cannabis, and here are 6 ways that can be used in more ways than just smoking it. Le kief étant une extraction des trichomes qui contiennent l’essentiel du THC de la plante, c’est globalement un concentré de THC. Also known as “crowning a bowl,” this is the first and most obvious use for kief. Technically, kief is a reference term used to describe the resin glands of the plant. What To Do With Kief Vaporize. The original source of powerhouse strains like Sour Diesel and OG Kush, Chemdawg is known for its distinct, diesel-like aroma. Adding kief to hot beverages is becoming one of the most … This kief-coated joint is often call a “twaxed” joint. Pour résumer, le shit est simplement du kief chauffé et pressé pour former une plaquette. Kief refers to the sticky crystal resin that coats cannabis buds. It may also cause the hash to become darker than the kief used to make it. How to Use Kief. (non), E-liquides CBD Marie-Jeanne : collections prêt-à-vaper, Ludovic Mendes : « Un assouplissement du cadre réglementaire du CBD doit être bénéfique à tous », L’Irlande lance son programme de cannabis thérapeutique, La Grèce veut simplifier sa loi pour exporter plus de cannabis thérapeutique, L’Australie autorise l’huile CBD en vente libre en pharmacie. Suivez toute l’actualité des vaporisateurs sur LesVapos, tests et conseils d’achats pour vaporisateurs à herbes séchées et concentrés. This is especially true because it has a more subtle flavor than buds, meaning it won’t interfere too much with the flavor of your recipe. What is Kief? Freshly ground cannabis is just sticky enough to make rolling a joint... Make hash from kief. It was made by rubbing... Top A Bowl. You also only have to use 1/2 to 1/3 less than the amount of flowers you would usually use. But isn’t it just ground-up seeds and sticks? 4-Use Kief to Make Moonrocks. KICK EAT mélange, rap, beatbox, cuisine et THC, Netsplif, la plateforme vidéo pour ceux qui chillent déjà, J’irai fumer chez vous : Frenchy Cannoli – Episode 41, 5 shows à regarder sur Youtube pendant le confinement. Kief is essentially a collection of separated trichomes. Many people create makeshift sifters using layered kief screens similar to the ones pictured above. Kief is those tiny, sticky little crystals that you find covering the entire cannabis flower. Kief burns rather quickly, so be careful when lighting it as to not waste any. It’s easy to collect on your own, too. La pression et la chaleur rompent les glandes résineuses et changent la structure du cannabis. Kief is the sticky substance found on cannabis flowers which is left behind when the flower is finely ground. When it’s heated and pressed, hash is the result. Kief, the white, powdery substance collected by agitating cannabis plant matter over a screen, is one of the oldest, cleanest extracts cannabis enthusiasts use to give their flower or edible an extra kick today. Plus sa couleur est claire, plus le kief est pur. It’s popular with smokers who are seeking a stronger high. Trichomes serve as a vital defense mechanism against herbivores. Trichomes are important chemical factories where most of the plant’s cannabinoids, terpenes , and flavonoids are produced. High-quality kief is loaded with cannabinoids, but it’s not like a traditional concentrate. Kief is the collection of tiny, resinous hairs on cannabis flower nugs known as trichomes. Source: Cresco Labs If you’re not familiar with the term, kief is a powerfully concentrated form of cannabis that … Beaucoup de plantes et d’algues disposent de trichomes externes pour des raisons spécifiques à leur évolution. For extracting larger quantities of kief, using simple silk screening materials will allow you to separate kief from plant matter with the ease of sifting flower. Other plants, like cannabis, use them as a deterrent to herbivores. What Is a Grinder and How Do You Use It for Cannabis? So it basically boils down to whether you prefer coffee or tea as your go-to edible beverage. Extracting kief is simple. In fact, it’s not packed at all. Just remember, no matter if you decarboxylate your cannabis in the oven or in your crockpot, make sure your kief is intermixed with your flower for best results. Tread lightly when dealing with cannabis concentrates as pure as keef. Kief is essentially just the trichomes of the marijuana flowers. L’Agence Mondiale Anti-dopage sort les drogues récréatives des substances dopantes, Benoît Hamon : « La légalisation est la voix de la raison », La bande annonce de How High 2 critiquée par les fans, L’acteur Seth Rogen et le scénariste Evan Goldberg s’associent avec Canopy Growth et lancent leur marque de cannabis, Ryan Reynolds va produire un film de stoner, Un crowdfunding pour le documentaire « Serbie : le trafic qui sauve des vies », New York : un festival de cinéma autour du cannabis. This is the substance that’s used to make wax, shatter, and other popular concentrates. Rosin is a rising star in the world of cannabis concentrates for its solventless extraction methods and preservation of cannabinoids. Kief is the most potent part of the plant in terms of cannabinoids with a … Humulène : le terpène qui peut tuer les cellules cancéreuses. It’s a very concentrated form of the plant that has a higher density of not only THC and CBD, but all cannabinoids. Kief is a fine green or beige powder made up of separated trichome heads. Kief is the marshmallow to your hot chocolate; the cherry on top of your cream cake. Take cannabis flower and gently rub it back and forth on the screen allowing the kief to sift through the screen to the tray below. Hash can also be smoked in joints, bowls, bongs, and pipes. Kief is a fine, light powder that resembles very granular sand that is made by separating trichomes (the crystalline structures that coat the outside of the dried marijuana flowers) from whole-plant material using a weed grinder, mesh screens or bubble machine. Manufacturers will make these by compacting the kief, baking it, pressing it again and then letting the brick dry. Another major use for kief is making hash. So what is kief? The word “kief” (sometimes spelled keef) is connected to the Arabic word kayf, which fittingly refers to pleasure or well-being.Given its higher THC content, this makes perfect sense.. Weed kief and its uses. Freshly ground cannabis is just sticky enough to make rolling a joint fairly easy. If it is a lighter green, then it is purer kief; darker green kief tends to contain a lot more plant elements. In this case, your bowl becomes that bit more potent. L’extraction de kief se fait très simplement. Kief has a powdery texture that comes from the cannabis bud when using a grinder that has a mesh screen. Smoking Kief. The instant vaporization of those layers of sparkling trichomes accelerates Hash Plant’s rapid, blissful and breathtakingly powerful body-stone.