As shes distracted with Botton, Oberon takes the child as his own. 4. She promised the changeling’s mother that she would take care of her child. 2. What does the juice from the "love-in-idleness" flower do to a person? 5. The juice of the flower placed upon a person's eyes makes them fall in love with the next person or creature they see. Why won't Titania give up the changeling boy to Oberon? Titania wants to keep and raise the child for the sake of her mortal friend and follower who died giving birth to him. Oberon plans to use the flower to make Titania fall in love with the first beast she sees. How have Oberon and Titania been involved in the past with Theseus and Hippolyta, and why have they come to Athens? Why won’t Titania give up the changeling to Oberon? I do but beg a little changeling boy, To be my henchman. What effect has their quarrel had on nature, on the seasons, on humans? At this point in the scene, Oberon is about to accuse Titania of being unfaithful. In William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, written in 1595/96, Oberon is the king of all of the fairies and is engaged in a dispute with his wife Titania, the fairy queen.They are arguing over custody of a child whom Oberon wants to raise to be his henchman. Quote. She won't give him up, because he was on of her followers children and his mother passed away giving birth. It is called Love-in-Idleness. Who do Titania and Oberon blame for recent storms and floods? She wants a son. Why won’t Titania give up the “changeling,” or little Indian boy, to Oberon? What are Oberon's plans for Titania? 4. In the end Lysander's love spell is gone, Titania and Oberon solve their problems, the actors perform their play, and Lysander and Hermia, and Demetrius get married. b. He orders his servant, Puck, to fetch a magical flower. How have Oberon and Titania been involved in the past with Theseus and Hippolyta, and why have they come to Athens? This has caused a huge rift between Titania and her husband Oberon, who wants the boy to be his personal Why won’t Titania give up the changeling to Oberon? What does Oberon send Puck to find? 6. Who do you think is more to blame? 5. 7. A flower pierced by Cupid's arrow. This also probably why Oberon had made a plan to distract Titania when by making serve another man who she had fallen in love with, while Oberon would take the changeling away. 5. “I’ll watch Titania when she is asleep, And drop the liquor of it in her eyes.” (II.1.177-178) Oberon is petty in a manner because he made actually planned so that he could get the changeling. Why won’t Titania give up the changeling to Oberon? What effect has their quarrel had on nature, on the seasons, and on humans? 3. What effect has their quarrel had on nature, on the seasons, on humans? Early on in the play, we learn that Titania has been taking care of a "lovely" Indian boy and spends all her time lavishing him with love and affection (2.1). Because Oberon puts a spell on Titania to fall in love with the next creature she sees, which happened to be Botton as a donkey. Oberon is on his way to visit Titania and will give her the antitidote as well, after he has begged the little changeling boy Things to notice in Act 3 Take note of the way in which Bottom behaves and reacts in each stage of Scene 1, both in his interactions with the other actors and then with Titania and the fairies. It is an act of revenge because she didn’t give him the changeling. Oberon therefore plans revenge. How have Oberon and Titania been involved in the past with Theseus and Hippolyta, and why have they come to Athens? The Changeling. What are Oberon’s plans for Titania? Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? 5. 6. 2. 3. The King and Queen of the fairies, Oberon and Titania, have fallen out over a changeling boy that Titania has in her possession. Why does Titania give Oberon the changeling boy? Why is Titania jealous of Hippolyta? c. She is keeping him out of spite against Oberon. 4. Why won’t Titania give up the changeling to Oberon? 4. 7. But Oberon and Titania are also estranged due to a dispute about a human Indian child who was stolen by one of Titania’s worshippers and replaced with a fairy changeling. What does Oberon send Puck to find? At this point in the scene, Oberon is about to accuse Titania of being unfaithful. What effect has their quarrel had on nature, on the seasons, on humans? She promised the changeling’s mother that she would take care of her child. What does Oberon send Puck to find? What is because it was her servant womans child who died and Titania vowed to raise him as her own. She says "Call you me fair? How canst thou thus for shame, Titania At one, Titania And Oberon’S Love Story In A Midsummer Night’S, Titania and Oberon’s Love Story in … How have Oberon and Titania been involved in the past with Theseus and Hippolyta, and why have they come to Athens? 400. What is put flower juice in Demetrius's eyes and put Helena next to him so that he awakes to her. These four couples deal with heartache, bickering, pining, and other factors surrounding love. But Titania says she wouldn't give up the child for all of fairyland. So, it is her job to take care of the child. What does Oberon send Puck to find? His mother was devoted to Titania. (Puck, 2:1) What are Oberon’s plans for Titania? Oberon threatens to kill her if she doesn't give him the boy. Create one now! 6. Titania tells Oberon that their fight has disordered nature, resulting in floods, fogs, dead livestock, and mixed-up seasons. What does Oberon tell Puck to do about Demetrius and Helena? A Midsummer Night's Dream has a happy ending because the majority of the characters have a positive conclusion. 5. How does he know of its powers? 2.1: We learn that Oberon and Titania have been having some … Oberon wants the boy for himself but Titania won’t give him up. 7. d. None of the above. Oberon’s and Titania’s Quarrel. This, of course, triggers an argument full of accusations, which eventually leads to Oberon casting a spell on Titania. What are Oberon's plans for Titania? She wants to make amends with Oberon for falling in love with someone else. 6. 2. … 6. 'And jealous Oberon would have that child…Crowns him with flowers, and makes him all her joy.' How have Oberon and Titania been involved in the past with Theseus and Hippolyta, and why have they come to Athens? Oberon responds that she could fix the problem by submitting to him and giving up the changeling. What effect has their quarrel had on nature, on the seasons, on humans? Why won’t Titania give up the changeling to Oberon? What does Oberon send Puck to find? Titania’s marriage to Oberon is a version of an open relationship – an interesting thing in a play written more than four hundred years ago. She won’t give him up, because he was on of her followers children and his mother passed away giving birth. Of whom is Oberon jealous? Titania won't give in to Oberon, so he comes up with a plan for revenge. When we first meet Oberon and Titania, the pair is arguing over a changeling boy—Oberon wants to use him as a knight, but Titania is infatuated by him and will not give him up. This is from the story: A Midsummer Night's Dream So, Titania felt obliged to to care of the boy. 3. What effect has their quarrel had on nature, on the seasons, on humans? Oberon therefore plans revenge. She no longer cares about the boy now that she loves Bottom. She refuses because one of Titania’s followers died giving birth to the boy and she feels that it is her responsibility to care for him. Why won't Titania give up the changeling to Oberon? What are Oberon’s plans for Titania? Oberon sends Puck to find a flower filled with Cupid's Love/Power. What are Oberon’s plans for Titania? We also used lines to describe the situation with the changeling boy, in order to give a bit of backstory. 100. ... Why won't Titania give up the changeling to Oberon? How does it work? Oberon therefore plans revenge. Oberon . Why won’t Titania give up the changeling boy to Oberon? TITANIA Set your heart at rest: The fairy land buys not the child of me. 5. What effect has the recent storms and floods had on nature, on the seasons, on humans? according to me,Oberon wanted to enchant Titania's eyes with the love potion was to take revenge.Oberon thought that being Titania's husband he was superior to her and she had a right to obey his commands.but titania having her own will power disagreed to give the changeling boy to Oberon being close to ye boys mother. Oberon: Hippolyta was his past loverTitania: Titania has gotten Theseus to cheat on 3 women he was at one point of time: What effect has their quarrel had on nature, on the the seasons, on humans? 6. Why won’t Titania give up the changeling to Oberon? What does Oberon send Puck to find? How have Oberon and Titania been involved in the past with Theseus and Hippolyta, and why have they come to Athens? Furious, Oberon decides on revenge, and sends Puck to fetch a flower that will enable him to make Titania fall in love with an animal until she gives up the changeling. Titania says "for her sake do I rear up her boy and for her sake I will not part with him." He orders his servant, Puck, to fetch a magical flower. 3. We also learn that Oberon wants the little "changeling" boy to be his page, but Titania won't give him up. Oberon is extremely angry about the fact that Titania won’t give him the changeling boy. How did the flower get this power? What does the juice from the “love-in-idleness” flower do to a person? ... What is Oberon's reaction to Titania's infatuation with Bottom? Why won't Titania give UP the "changeling," or little Indian boy, to Oberon? 2. 5. Why do the rest of the actors run off when Bottom reappears? So, Titania felt obliged to to care of the boy. He orders his servant, Puck, to fetch a magical flower. Titania shows stubbornness as she refuses to give up the changeling boy to Oberon. Helena tells Demetrius, “I am your spaniel.” What does she mean by this? 2.1: Oberon runs into his wife, Titania, in the woods and has a big fight with her about her foster child. Oberon is powerful, but Titania appears to be just as headstrong, and they seem equally matched. The King and Queen of the fairies fight over a little boy.Oberon, the King of the fairies, is jealous and wants the little boy for himself.The couple also accuse each other of being unfaithful. Why won't Titania give up the changeling to Oberon? Titania absolutely refuses to hand over the changeling to Oberon, explaining that the boy’s mother was one of her votaresses. Question: Why won’t Titania give up the changeling boy? What does Oberon send Puck to find? Why won’t Titania give up the changeling to Oberon? 500. The King and Queen of the fairies, Oberon and Titania, have fallen out over a changeling boy that Titania has in her possession. Why should Titania cross her Oberon? What is he pities her for what he has done. Oberon wants the boy for himself but Titania won't give him up. a. What are Oberon’s plans for Titania? The middle part of the speech talks about why Titania was particularly fond of the boy's mother. 8. Why won't Titania give up the changeling to Oberon? Just as Oberon is attracted to Hippolyta, so Titania is attracted to Theseus, and in Act II the couple confronts each other with their jealous suspicions. So, ... Why does Oberon want Titania to wake and fall in love with some vile thing?