Most people experience a mild reaction that resolves on its own in a few hours, but one patient died. The diagnosis of plant thorn arthritis requires either detection of a piece of thorn within the joint by radiology testing or surgical removal of the thorn fragments and identification of the fragments microscopically in the laboratory. Plant Thorn Synovitis: An Uncommon Cause of Monoarthritis By Thomas P. Olenginski, David C. Bush, and Thomas M. Harrington Plant thorn synovitis (PTS) is an … to me to aggressively work the joint by moving it as much as possible to regain Synovectomy is the surgical procedure that is used to cure plant thorn arthritis. bacterial infection, but it is just as dangerous and destructive to the joint, The affected joint lining tissue (synovium) is examined in the pathology department using microscopes. help Jim unload the blocks when they arrived. then became stiff and swollen. I took the thorn out and four hours later my finger started throbbing and turned red with the swelling from plant thorn synovitis. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advise, diagnoses, or treatment. joint. took it to the hospital laboratory for study. Being overweight, wearing uncomfortable shoes, or carrying a heavy purse can make joint pain and arthritis symptoms worse. It did not hurt. A lighter works best, but you can use a match or build a campfire, as well. This dilemma takes place Whilst a thorn towards a plant … Plant thorn arthritis causes the involved joint to be swollen, slightly reddish, stiff, and painful. although slower. Jim was industriously off at the store purchasing cement blocks, and I was in Enlist your doctor, friends and family in managing your pain 3. assisted them in landscaping one fine weekend day. If your having issues in regards to this and it is affecting you, seeing a doctor would be a good idea. Share in the message dialogue to help others and address questions … Thorns on plants or thorn-like seeds can cause nasty puncture wounds for gardeners. Castro-Rueda, MD, from my internist, Don Pratt, MD, from my surgeons, Neil Jones, MD, Exposure to these plants is the greatest risk factor for plant thorn arthritis. Global MDs & Clinics: 2,676,614  |  Millions of Patients & Consumers! Ultimately, the diagnosis of plant thorn arthritis requires either detection of a piece of thorn within the joint by radiology testing or surgical removal of the thorn fragments and identification of the fragments microscopically in the laboratory. This immune response to the foreign material it to either blood inflammation from the trauma of the thorn, inflammation If you extract the entire thorn early on, it'll likely subside over time. Local and systemic reactions to puncture injuries by the sea urchin spine and the date palm thorn. Plant thorn arthritis is a noninfectious inflammation of a joint as a result of a thorn puncturing the joint and leaving residual plant matter lodged within the joint. This need not keep you from growing thorny plants … Inflammation of this tissue is medically referred to as synovitis. moved in some two years ago. Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are best known for causing the problem, but there's a long list of other off… So, resigned to the facts of my miserable reality, I consulted with a true My hand was normal for the subsequent four days. Without surgical resection of the plant fragments, joint inflammation persists and permanent joint destruction can occur. from the initial thorn puncture until developing the arthritis are classic metacarpophalangeal joint). possibility of bacterial or fungal infection in the joint. fact that I had work gloves on, the palm thorn was sharp enough to easily pierce It is not as acutely inflamed with warmth and redness as is a detect a thorn fragment. Exercising with osteoarthritis. appearance of what I was familiar with in cases of bacterial infection. a hurry to get the pruning completed so as not to slow the construction of a block ; Risks for the development of septic arthritis … director of the UC Irvine Hand Center at the University of California, Irvine Medical If it is not plant thorn arthritis… Symptoms and signs include swelling, … View messages from patients providing insights into their medical experiences with Plant Thorn Synovitis - Treatments. consulted with my three partners, Catherine Driver, MD, Al Wehrle, MD, and Hernan I was cleaning out prickly bushes on Mother's Day and a thorn went through my gloves and it … WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The joint lining tissue is called the synovium. "does arthritis pain ever go away or ease up? When all cultures returned "no growth," because of persisting swelling and For plant thorn arthritis, anti-inflammatory medications may quiet some of the inflammation. No assurances are provided that the information listed will include the most updated developments. Yet, it did not get well until I consulted a doctor. During a synovectomy, the surgeon will remove the affected and surrounding joint lining tissue (synovium) to be certain that microscopic joint fragments within the joint and its lining are eliminated from the body. I finished the pruning in a timely manner and was available to If you keep picking at it, you will cause a bigger problem. Web Health Network is designed for educational purposes only. While I am Often, however, the residual thorn fragments are too small to be seen with these methods and are detected only when identified in tissue that is surgically removed from the joint. Role of exercise in arthritis management. The stitches came out in 13 days. really painful. His first words were, "leave it alone. Some people follow up with heat pads to maximize the effect. Sugarman M, et al. While lifting the blocks, I felt a soreness This form of single joint arthritis (monoarthritis) then becomes chronic until appropriately treated. The use of the information provided on the site is at your own risk. I had to keep my hand dry and elevated for the next five days. There is no specific medication or home remedy for plant thorn arthritis. The tissue forms a characteristic reaction, called a granulomatous reaction, within the synovium (granulomatous synovitis). It is not uncommon for the person affected by plant thorn arthritis to remove the thorn immediately after the puncture and then develop the arthritis many days or weeks later and not even recall that the joint had been punctured previously! stiffness of the joint, I suspected that I had tiny thorn remnants within the The microscopic thorn fragments are easily identified using a polarized light microscope as they appear brilliantly shiny (birefringent) to the examining pathologist. skin tissues. Some bad habits increase inflammation and put you at risk of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis… Center. We provide our readers with the deepest access to health information from the most trusted health publishers. If you are experiencing problems with your health, it is recommended that you consult a medical professional, doctor, or other health care professional. been stabbed! The other was stuck directly in the I gently removed the two thorns and was hopeful that all would be well. Medically reviewed by John A. Daller, MD; American Board of Surgery with subspecialty certification in surgical critical care July 13, 2017. It is important to recognize that puncturing a joint with a foreign material, such as a plant thorn, can lead to bacterial infection (septic arthritis) or fungal infection (fungal arthritis) of the joint. © 2005-2021 WebMD, LLC. The plant thorn fragments cause a localized inflammation reaction in the joint lining tissue that leads to swelling, stiffness, loss of range of motion, and pain. Gardening, for instance, has the danger of contracting plant thorn arthritis, which is a non-infectious inflammation of the joint. Punctures often don't bleed much and may close up quickly, which is one reason they can be dangerous. Soreness, stiffness, pain. son-in-law, Jim, as well as enjoy their company during a concentrated effort, I Updated June 19, 2017. Pathology photo showing multinucleated giant cell granulomatous reaction (triangle point), synovial hyperplasia, fibrosis, and adjacent foreign vegetable matter (arrow with thorn fragments) with hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E stain). This is in spite of the fact that radiology imaging studies did not After this "delay period," it Joints that are commonly affected by plant thorn synovitis include the small joints of the hands (metacarpophalangeal joints, proximal interphalangeal joints), feet, elbows, knees, and ankles. "deadened" my right arm and with light general anesthesia, he opened my knuckle What are plant thorn arthritis symptoms and signs? Benefits of weight loss. The sharp thorns on these plants can cut and poke holes in your skin, and the small wounds provide an entry point for pathogenic organisms. Some secrete an allergenic oil or sap. fingers by pruning too rapidly. In spite of the Plant thorn arthritis is a noninfectious inflammation of a joint as a result of a thorn puncturing the joint and leaving residual plant matter lodged within the joint. There is often accompanying inflammation of the adjacent Answered by Dr. Larry Greenbaum: It depends on damage: If the problem is mostly … These symptoms may be noticed only many days after the initial thorn puncture. These forms of arthritis require urgent antibiotic treatment. I am currently dealing with plant thorn arthritis, I just found out through this article what it was. That tiny little beast was inflaming my joint and causing my misery. Accordingly, I At that time, a first order of concern was the 1977 Jun;20(5):1125-8. Kindly provided by Xiaohui (Sheila) Zhao, MD, PhD, of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of California, Irvine Medical Center. What is the treatment for plant thorn arthritis? ; Septic arthritis can be caused by fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. My joint, however, was not perceptibly warm and was stiff but not Learn all you can about your condition, including what type of arthritis you have and whether any of your joints are already damaged 2. Plant thorn arthritis facts * Plant thorn arthritis … Medical Author: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR. features of plant thorn arthritis. I have never heard of this but it doesn’t sound good. We aim to be a one stop for all the info you need to stay healthy. All the information provided is publicly available and is updated daily. Also understand that having any remnants of thorn within The surgical operation that can cure plant thorn arthritis is called a synovectomy with joint lavage (joint washout cleaning). still in the midst of rehabilitating my hand, I anticipate a complete recovery. If you touch it or brush against it, the contact triggers an allergic reaction that shows up in two to 10 days as a red, swollen, itchy, blistering rash known as allergic contact dermatitis. The most common joints affected by plant thorn arthritis are those that can be exposed to being stabbed by falling into or brushing up against plants with thorns. immediately for culture and analysis and take an anti-inflammatory medication The joint loses its full range of motion and is often tender. Then it was up the joint. I was wearing gloves that had extra padding over returned. Plant Thorn Synovitis… an Fascinating Design and style of Arthritis An intriguing issue that unbelievably number of us residents- even health professionals- wear't recognize concerning , is a problem named plant thorn synovitis. Ongoing medical research may change or impact the information listed on Web Health Network. If it is thorn arthritis it will go away in time. joint at the base of the middle finger, the knuckle joint (third find two thorn tips embedded in it! bacterial arthritis of a joint (septic arthritis), the joint is very hot, very and Gabriel Trainer, MD, and from my hospitals University of California, Irvine Surgical resection of the inflamed tissue (synovitis), as well as all thorn fragments, is the key to curing plant thorn arthritis (plant thorn synovitis). Also, the swelling of the joint did not have the I must at this point explain that I am an arthritis expert (a rheumatologist) (The actual bacteria culture takes three days and the fungus culture Many plant-related rashes are caused by plants containing spines, thorns… They all agreed that I should have fluid removed from the joint 1977 Jul-Aug;20(6):1206-12. Our sources include hundreds of blogs, health sites, government sites, pharmaceutical manufacturers and much more. However, chronic arthritis eventually develops even long after the plant thorn injury because of the thorn fragments remaining in the joint. All rights reserved. CracchioloA 3d, et al. These features as well as the delay period of nearly a week Due to which it is not entirely possible to eliminate the chances of development of osteoarthritis in the elderly stage of life in such conditions and almost impossible that it can go away on its own. Plant thorn arthritis typically affects only a single joint -- the joint that was pierced by the plant thorn. If you are you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call your health care professional immediately. Understand that having a thorn in tissue like the finger is usually Prepare yourself ahead of time by stocking your first aid kit with the following items: This is the simplest and quickest method. Medical Center and Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo, California. red, and very painful. takes four weeks.). The palm tree group of three Using a cane for arthritis… joint lining tissue (synovium). If you develop fever and chills, that's likely a sign of a severe bacterial infection. a joint is a very serious problem. The redness resolved within 48 hours and I attributed If you see some black soot, don't bothe… from the resin on the thorn, or both. reddened. reaction. For plant thorn arthritis… and his boyhood friend Andrew built. Tell your doctor if your pain changes Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center. Continued. the knuckles. abnormally high amount of white blood cells but had no bacteria or fungus This arthritis persists until the fragments are removed with a surgical operation. These forms of arthritis require urgent antibiotic treatment. This is because the original thorn has actually left behind small fragments of thorn vegetable matter that gradually cause the inflammation of plant thorn arthritis. While plant thorn arthritis is technically noninfectious, these two forms of infectious arthritis can occur from plant thorn puncture of a joint, with or without true plant thorn arthritis. Just like animals, many plants have defenses to protect themselves. The Whatever your condition, it will be easier to stay ahead of your pain if you: 1. Al very skillfully removed the fluid with a needle and syringe and I in my right hand and at first wondered if I had strained the tendons of my the glove material and puncture my hand without me actually noticing that I had CreakyJoints. Plant thorn arthritis is suspected in a patient who presents with a single joint that is inflamed after it has been punctured by a plant thorn. I recommend great caution when working around thorny plants. Arthritis Rheum. The Arthritis Foundation. The risk of infection is high. The plants that commonly cause plant thorn arthritis are those that produce thorns. Kelly JJ.Black thorn … Do not delay or avoid seekeing medical advise from a professional because of any information listed on Web Health Network. Working Out Through Pain. This possibility can be excluded by removing joint fluid and culturing the fluid in the laboratory. Pathology photo showing thorn material (blue and yellow birefringent material) visualized under polarized light microscopy. Over the next day, the finger was fine, but the knuckle joint became slightly The symptoms of plant thorn arthritis may occur long after the thorn is removed from the affected joint. There is only one treatment for this form of building a retaining wall and secondary goal of tidying up overgrown greenery, I Hold the part of the needle or blade that is going to touch the wound over an open flame until the metal reddensfor about a minutethen let it cool before you proceed. expert hand surgeon, Neil Jones, MD, professor of orthopedic surgery and If it goes on for a while, heavy antibiotics should knock out the infection and … This is true even if the patient recalls removing the thorn, as described above, because the thorn can leave behind tiny fragments of thorn matter that leads to the chronic inflammation of plant thorn arthritis. Not a Substitute for Medical Advise Plant thorn arthritis typically affects only a single joint -- the joint that was pierced by the plant thorn. the range of motion and power. We arranged a surgery date a week later and, after regional anesthesia Sometimes tiny pieces of thorns can be visualized using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scanning), high-resolution computerized tomography (HR-CAT scanning), or ultrasound imaging. Plant thorn arthritis causes the involved joint to be. Web Health Network is the leading aggregator of health, fitness, and wellness news and information from across the Web. I received from my rheumatologists, Catherine Driver, MD, Al Wehrle, MD, and Hernan It was well overgrown and in serious need of Kindly provided by Xiaohui (Sheila) Zhao, MD, PhD, of Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of California, Irvine Medical Center. I also took an antibiotic until the bacterial cultures pain is in the shoulder only during movement." The condition arises due to the plant thorns that may get stuck in joints of the body. Plant thorn arthritis is also called plant thorn synovitis. Deep thorn … The Arthritis Foundation. (thorn matter) within the joint is referred to as a foreign body granulomatous While plant thorn arthritis is technically noninfectious, these two forms of infectious arthritis can occur from plant thorn puncture of a joint, with or without true plant thorn arthritis.