This is the example of Elisha, of the disciples, of the church fathers, of the protestant reformers and of our Pentecostal founders. Defining Terms in an Apostolic Company 27. The time is now. Sometimes, this means getting into the mud with the prophet. Apostolic women, the Lord says you have permission to rise up, even own and carry the mantle of Aime Semple McPherson, and carry the mantle of Kathryn Kuhlman, and carry the mantle of Maria Woodworth-Etter, and carry the mantle of those great women from generations past who were nameless and faceless. Manifest Presence, “Manifest Sons of God” A Mantle, a “Prophetic Mantle”, and an “Apostolic Mantle”, The Fivefold Ministry, Transformation,Elevation, Signs and Wonders, a Great Anointing, repetitive statements such as “Glory Glory Glory“, or “Angels Angels Angels“. To gain the prophetic mantle, we must push past the prophet's flaws. 5. It requires we take ownership of it; see people as God sees them, … MANTLE VS. ANOINTING . Following are some significant lessons about receiving your God-ordained mantle, from the stories of Joseph and Elisha [1]: 1. The apostolic mantle helps to cast vision and direction for the overall mission that God has given for the region and for the hub. His mantle … God’s mantle is His character and glory. Rise up, says the Lord. The apostle Paul, one of the great thinkers of his day, boldly proclaimed demonstration was one of … It is important we discover for ourselves what God has called us to do, and passionately pursue the mission that God has wired into our heart. By Gale Maiden . Humility is the key to gaining and walking in the prophetic mantle. Why? Humility. A ‘mantle’ is a Scriptural metaphor (symbol) for a calling, ministry, anointing and—when applicable—office, given to individuals by God. apostolic mantle you are connected to will determine the benefits you receive What is an Apostle 17. The greater the prophetic mantle on a prophet, the greater the flaws in the prophet. The character and glory of God is developed in us by an intimate relationship with God called the anointing.A mantle in the natural is a cloak or outer garment for covering the body. However, Aaron on the other hand was the Chief Priest. Six Keys To A Transitional Shift 21. Apostolic … Apostolic Leaders RESPOND TO BIG CHALLENGES. How to Receive God’s Destined Mantle for Your Life. True prophets are humble and flawed human beings. Jesus authority to do miracles came from the Father, who SENT him. Introduction To The Apostolic Mantle 14. Character, Character and Character unto Glory. The mantle represents a passionate pursuit of the Lord Himself, not power, not influence, not even integrity. The apostolic ministry stands as a pillar to keep sin, false doctrine, and false practices contrary to the Word of God and character of Christ out of the Church. For better or for worse, apostolic leaders have huge vision, and consistently respond to big challenges—the more impossible the dream, the more motivated they are to take it on. We are also 'apostolic' because we are SENT, as as ambassadors of heaven, to fulfil our task with kingly authority. It equips the apostle with keys to effectively embrace, wear, cultivate, and operate in the mantle of their calling; while yielding revelation that apostolic people, ministries, organizations, and businesses can glean from as they work with apostles for the equipping, training, building up, and advancement of … God did not curse the mantle/office of Chief Priest. There is no “Moses’ sister” mantle. God mantles apostolic leaders with a mantle of the supernatural. Aaron was punished later by not being allowed to enter into the promise land (Numbers 20:22-29).